alessi did labour wanted?si did labour wanted? i. line alessi did labour wanted? believe i can. i have had line alessi did labour wanted?|- believe i can. i have had numerous conversations with colleagues, with keir starmer, with the chief whip, with david — keir starmer, with the chief whip, with david lammy, over the last weeks _ with david lammy, over the last weeks and — with david lammy, over the last weeks and months since the 7th of 0ctoher~ _ weeks and months since the 7th of october. frankly, the idea that you would _ october. frankly, the idea that you would threaten the speaker of the house of commons is for the birds. _ the snp proposed to the gaza conflict — the snp proposed to the gaza conflict for debate and the chaotic scenes— conflict for debate and the chaotic scenes that saw them walking out. some _ scenes that saw them walking out. some conservative mps. now next week they hope to bring the issue to the fore in parliament given what happened this week. the speaker said they could have anoth