metropolitan of perislavsky and vishnevsky, alexander drobinka. participate in other initiatives, forle, to spread a feeling of genuine joy in connection with the forced transfer of the church calendar of ukraine to a new style common with the west, which is according to state policy in ukrainian will help to finally break with the russian world and join the coveted european world. violence in a purely bolshevik spirit, the soviet background makes itself felt, and if you dig in search of historical parallels... the cops of ukraine, in conflict with their secular patrons and lay brotherhoods, wanted to receive the same power and guarantees as the catholic church in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth , on october 9, 1596, at one council in brest , the union with the vatican was confirmed, at another pan-orthodox, there in brest, it was the rejection of uniatism was announced, but the polish royal side came out on the side of the uniates... the government began an era of cruel repressions against the orthodox, in the govan declaration of the sixteenth year it was specifically stated that