gelevich means by the word sovereign, in general , what is sovereignty, is the independence of the state other states both in domestic policy and in foreign policy, and what does the sovereignty of the elite mean? this means that the elite, no matter... regardless of how it is treated outside the country, only this elite can be sovereign, a state that has lost sovereignty, it becomes a colony, and if we talk about elite, to use the word sovereign, this means the elite layer is in no way familial, not personal, does not depend on how it is treated from the outside. only such an elite can be considered sovereign; in fact, at all times in russia there was an elite that in difficult moments came to the aid of the state. approaching, so to speak, prigozhin’s troops , they rushed to flee the country, they saw in him emelyan pugachev or razin, who was moving towards moscow, what happened, why, without even understanding what happened, people rushed to run, to run from their own, they did not run , when drones fell on the kremlin; when these drones flew in the moscow region, they were imprisoned