this is the goal of alexander grachyshnik, himself a shmatdzetny father, he knows how to bustle the lifee king with the secular, the parade and the hourly hour in the temple. vyadze's instagram i... father alexander, thank you for the opportunity to meet today, and i know that 2014, if i traced it correctly, was really a turning point for you, i actually graduated from the seminary, entered the academy, and my first child was born, so daughter, this was the first stage, which continues to this day, because children are born and grow, but... this year, of course, remained in my memory, serious, and there were a lot of emotions, experiences, growth too, in fact. why spiritual life, people will think that since everything has been decided so clearly for you, it means that one of your relatives is related to the church, or, when they see you, they will say, well, this is an obvious graduate of baguira, and this is a person who should now be a programmer, like yours , this is how you decided to come to faith in the first place, why and why? well, the question is classic, but we think that we