at the end of september 1942, soroka, together with his family member alexandra gorkova, was on assignmenteople, later the detachment was named after kalinin, and a year later it was already a brigade, it included several detachments, each of which had its own commander. one of the commanders of the kalinin brigade, the commander of the molotov partisan detachment, was mitrofan simidovich shpelevoy, shpelevoy’s father, mitrofan. the enemies caught up only at the moment when a car roared under their very noses. it accelerated and crashed into the gates of the garrison; the occupiers, who were on vacation at that moment , jumped out of the barracks in their underwear. bullets from our soldiers. little remains of the drazen garrison. it was difficult for those who had not fought to imagine how savvy volunteers survived in impenetrable forests and swamps during the great patriotic war. the successes of the people's avengers in combat activities largely depended on living conditions. quite a few girls joined the squads. they worked in partisan hospitals, as messengers, as birth attendants, as s