sung by alexandra melech. friends, support!, leave the words aside, if not from the heart, throw words to the white manor. and don’t leave quickly, my life will be long, holy without you, nights are blue dreams, we can’t watch beautiful ones together, a swan song of love, you! you won’t sing to me, just go to the berries, don’t look, don’t write, throw the words tari natali, if there is no soul, throw the words to the white line ate, leave without grieving, my life will be long and holy, throw the words like berries, don’t look, don’t write, quit eating natalie, there is. not from the heart, throw away the words to white people, go away without grieving, my life will be long, holy without you, oh-oh-oh-oh. drop the words like a white line, don’t leave when will my long saint live without you will my long saint live without you. and everything is fine with her, marik, she married an officer, dean, what are they, boy, the fifth blood type tomorrow on rtr. here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are wa