kulakov, alexey gubanov, yulia kuvabina, channel one.you to a dog named enzo. actually. he is very brave, at least that’s what the owner says. there is only one thing that scares his car wiper: as soon as he turns on, the dog immediately hides from fear under the seats. 3 million users have already taken pity on the poor guy. and this is a penguin named peko. it is treated with acupuncture. the fact is that the bird has problems with the spine. according to the veterinarians, their patient bravely endures all the procedures and has already become more confident in swimming. it starts, i’m driving and thinking, well, if the birds start flying around us or they’re killed by shelling, then i’m alone with my mother, well, somehow it’s not scary, but who did you leave it to, stronger than most... on saturday on the first, cognac monte chococa, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product. all week, every day pancakes , well, it’s really a test, well, let’s cook something, well, maslenitsa, but u