Nov 25, 2023
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. >> el alzheimer es una enfermedad cognitiva que afecta la memoria.ste se en coja y sus neuronas mueran. por eso se registra falta de memoria y de movilidad. >> para nosotros el problema de salud es un problema social. es una enfermedad que tendrÁ una persona durante su vida. reportera: la universidad trabaja en este medicamento para ayudar a las personas propensas al alzheimer. >> antes de que los sÍntomas ingresen, estamos dando este medicamento de forma experimental para ver si podemos prevenir el inicio de los sÍntomas. reportera: la universidad trabaja para este medicamento que puede usarse antes de que usted tenga alzheimer. >> por primera vez se estÁ probando la medicina antes de que haya sÍntomas. tenemos mucha informaciÓn de la eficacia. reportera: en caso de que si usted quiere saber mÁs informaciÓn de esta prueba, acÉrquese a la universidad de san francisco. >> mi recomendaciÓn es que vayan al sitio de internet. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] paola: la nasa pronto podrÁ investigar algunos rincones desconocidos del espac
. >> el alzheimer es una enfermedad cognitiva que afecta la memoria.ste se en coja y sus neuronas mueran. por eso se registra falta de memoria y de movilidad. >> para nosotros el problema de salud es un problema social. es una enfermedad que tendrÁ una persona durante su vida. reportera: la universidad trabaja en este medicamento para ayudar a las personas propensas al alzheimer. >> antes de que los sÍntomas ingresen, estamos dando este medicamento de forma experimental para...
Nov 22, 2023
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daniel: el alzheimer estÁ asociado con unas proteÍnas y unos factores —— >> el alzheimer estÁ asociadoue acumula grasa en el estÓmago y en los Órganos que tiene el abdomen. lourdes: las personas de 50 aÑos o mÁs tienen una mayor cantidad de una proteÍna anormal llamada amiloide que estÁ en un lugar del cerebro donde comienza el alzheimer. >> la grasa abdominal no es buena para nadie, asÍ que hay que cuidarse. lourdes: se recomienda dormir lo suficiente, las personas que duermen menos de seis horas al dÍa tienen mayores niveles de amiloide en el cerebro, la buena noticia de estos estudios es que cada vez nos dan mÁs informaciÓn para establecer protocolos preventivos que pueden evitar males mayores como la demencia. en miami, florida, lourdes del rÍo, univisiÓn. ilia: mÁs de 500 empleados de la empresa open ai amenazaron con renunciar si no vuelven a contratar a sam. lo despidieron con el argumento de que era muy agresivo al desarrollar la inteligencia artificial. microsoft ya lo contrato para liderar su nuevo grupo en este tema. google lanzÓ una nueva herramienta para consumidores que p
daniel: el alzheimer estÁ asociado con unas proteÍnas y unos factores —— >> el alzheimer estÁ asociadoue acumula grasa en el estÓmago y en los Órganos que tiene el abdomen. lourdes: las personas de 50 aÑos o mÁs tienen una mayor cantidad de una proteÍna anormal llamada amiloide que estÁ en un lugar del cerebro donde comienza el alzheimer. >> la grasa abdominal no es buena para nadie, asÍ que hay que cuidarse. lourdes: se recomienda dormir lo suficiente, las personas...
Nov 24, 2023
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noviembre es el mes de la concientizaciÓn del alzheimer, un mes para crear conciencia de enfermedad yser mÁs solidarios con sus familiares. se trabaja con un medicamento que podrÍa evitar sÍntomas. >> la universidad de california san francisco prueba un nuevo tratamento para evitar el avance del alzheimer, enfermedad que afecta diferentes maneras a quien lo padece y tambiÉn toca duramente a los familiares. >> la enfermedad de alzheimer, la conceptualizadas como una enfermedad cognitiva que afecta la memoria. pero paradÓjicamente a mi no me preocupa tanto el aspecto de la memoria, sino el aspecto de la pÉrdida de autonomÍa. >> es un transtorno del cerebro que empeora con el paso del tiempo y se caracteriza por cambios en el cerebro que hacen que sean coja y que sus neuronas a largo plazo mueren. por eso se registra la falta de memoria y de movilidad. >> para nosotros el problema de salud, un problema social, es la enfermedad de alzheimer por los efectos brutales que trae en la calidad de vida de las personas en lo prevalente que es y en cÓmo afectan nuestro sistema de salud. >> estÁn a
noviembre es el mes de la concientizaciÓn del alzheimer, un mes para crear conciencia de enfermedad yser mÁs solidarios con sus familiares. se trabaja con un medicamento que podrÍa evitar sÍntomas. >> la universidad de california san francisco prueba un nuevo tratamento para evitar el avance del alzheimer, enfermedad que afecta diferentes maneras a quien lo padece y tambiÉn toca duramente a los familiares. >> la enfermedad de alzheimer, la conceptualizadas como una enfermedad...
Nov 30, 2023
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how many of these alzheimer's treatments are covered by medicare? and what do you think needs to be done to improve patients access to some of these cutting edge treatments? >> yeah, it's a great question. and i think access and equity to that treatment is really important. health systems are busy readying themselves to be able to offer. lacombe the centers for medicare and medicaid services have determined that they will cover the drug at least 80% of the drug, at least that's what we're hoping from their latest, their latest regulatory change, which is definitely an improvement when these drugs first came out, the monoclonal antibodies a couple of years ago, there was some concern that they wouldn't be covered. and we've made we, the community of alzheimer's and dementia have made some noise and have made some. i think, some ground and being able to show why the having them covered is going to have value. so we know that health systems themselves physicians are trying to figure out these are not pills. right. this is a monoclonal antibody. it's an
how many of these alzheimer's treatments are covered by medicare? and what do you think needs to be done to improve patients access to some of these cutting edge treatments? >> yeah, it's a great question. and i think access and equity to that treatment is really important. health systems are busy readying themselves to be able to offer. lacombe the centers for medicare and medicaid services have determined that they will cover the drug at least 80% of the drug, at least that's what we're...
Nov 4, 2023
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it's incredible because we have people diagnosed with early-stage alzheimer's and even later stage alzheimer's care deeply about this issue. so you actually mention that today is a big day for this organization. a lot of hard work many years this, you know, putting in that extra work to actually. learn some big news today. do you mind telling us more about it? no, no, it's it's a celebration. it's a time to celebrate. i've been with the association for 28 years. and during that time frame, there was very little change in terms of what we could do for people living with alzheimer's. and i'm so excited to tell this group today that we have change just since july. we now have an fda approved drug that is available in san francisco and people are able to get diagnosed and start getting disease-modifying treatments for alzheimer's. it's incredible. we've dropped of this. we have worked towards this for decades and to be able to say their san franciscans right now who are starting to get treatment is a highlight of my and we truly want to celebrate with these people who are the movers and shakers wh
it's incredible because we have people diagnosed with early-stage alzheimer's and even later stage alzheimer's care deeply about this issue. so you actually mention that today is a big day for this organization. a lot of hard work many years this, you know, putting in that extra work to actually. learn some big news today. do you mind telling us more about it? no, no, it's it's a celebration. it's a time to celebrate. i've been with the association for 28 years. and during that time frame,...
Nov 22, 2023
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ante mÁs grasa abdominal, mayores del esfuerzo de sufrir alzheimer.os de memoria de cerebro se achican. presentadora: buenas noches, gracias por acompaÑarme. comenzamos con el acuerdo que pone en pausa la guerra entre israel y hamÁs. aprobaron un cese de fuego y el cambio de palestinos detenidos por rehenes de hamÁs. el primer ministro benjamÍn netanyahu afirmÓ que continuarÁ su ofensiva militar contra su enemigo islÁmico. me acompaÑan con mÁs detalles. eliÁn: en efecto, hamÁs va a entregar 50 rehenes, que mantiene cautivos, como parte de este acuerdo a cambio de liberar a mujeres y niÑos palestinos, que estÁn presos en cÁrceles israelÍes y van a detener los ataques. en la lista de menores secuestrados se encuentra una niÑa estadounidense de tres aÑos, a quien tomaron como rehÉn tras asesinar a sus padres el 7 de octubre. el pacto permite el ingreso de combustible y ayuda humanitaria a gaza a travÉs de la frontera con egipto. benjamÍn netanyahu convocÓ a su gabinete para votar en este acuerdo subrayando la sensibilidad de una propuesta que pausaria la
ante mÁs grasa abdominal, mayores del esfuerzo de sufrir alzheimer.os de memoria de cerebro se achican. presentadora: buenas noches, gracias por acompaÑarme. comenzamos con el acuerdo que pone en pausa la guerra entre israel y hamÁs. aprobaron un cese de fuego y el cambio de palestinos detenidos por rehenes de hamÁs. el primer ministro benjamÍn netanyahu afirmÓ que continuarÁ su ofensiva militar contra su enemigo islÁmico. me acompaÑan con mÁs detalles. eliÁn: en efecto, hamÁs va a...
Nov 24, 2023
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in sleep, they effectively help to resist the progress of alzheimer's disease. the minister of roads and urban development said: the contractor for the implementation of the smart traffic monitoring system of the sepehtan fleet has been selected. this year, the law obliged the ministry of roads and urban development to cooperate with the ministry of petroleum to allocate gas and... to 50% of the cargo fleet and 100% of the bronshe passenger fleet to help this system. they are standing behind the bars hoping to receive their quotas. we have been standing here for 30 minutes, but he still hasn't come. what time is it now? the time is now. 8.46. they say that most of the time the share is not sufficient for their work and the need is excessive. they can't either officially supply gasoline at the fuel stations, i have a free card, well, gasoil doesn't have this at all, we go, we borrow from our friends, we go to 77,000 tomans per liter, we buy cars whose drivers are in marajan garage, we go to work, i do business, the cargo of gasoil that goes to the gas station it
in sleep, they effectively help to resist the progress of alzheimer's disease. the minister of roads and urban development said: the contractor for the implementation of the smart traffic monitoring system of the sepehtan fleet has been selected. this year, the law obliged the ministry of roads and urban development to cooperate with the ministry of petroleum to allocate gas and... to 50% of the cargo fleet and 100% of the bronshe passenger fleet to help this system. they are standing behind...
Nov 25, 2023
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it can cause the development of alzheimer's disease. but cleaning the brain from toxins during sleep effectively helps to resist the progress of alzheimer's disease. specialists of a group of scientists were able to design and localize a smart oxygen generator equipped with nano technology . being portable, the possibility of remote control and the use of a battery to supply the device with electricity estral times. and power cut is one of the features of this smart oxygen generator. nakhmegan basiji of kashan designed and produced the nano excite smart oxygen generator using the internal power. a group of elite and basiji youths of kashan city got together and succeeded in designing and building a smart nano oxygen generator. the design of the oxygen generator lasted for 6 months. the design of this device was designed in specialized software in the field of mechanics, and by the children of our students, in fact, our technology has reached the manufacturing stage . this device has unique features from the important features of this de
it can cause the development of alzheimer's disease. but cleaning the brain from toxins during sleep effectively helps to resist the progress of alzheimer's disease. specialists of a group of scientists were able to design and localize a smart oxygen generator equipped with nano technology . being portable, the possibility of remote control and the use of a battery to supply the device with electricity estral times. and power cut is one of the features of this smart oxygen generator. nakhmegan...
Nov 26, 2023
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we do this in the field of alzheimer's, support for individuals and family members. those of us who work in the social services arena understand science is not just for people in the laboratory. good evidence, good outcomes is a critical part of delivering quality and effective social service programs. that is why we are suggesting we continue to work in this effort with real regard to the health programs in the older americans act to make sure we have good outcomes. i agree with misses carter about the global issue of data. our ability to continue to research or programs make the case with regard to the effectiveness, their ability to provide cost savings to other programs such as medicare and medicaid is a critical component of this conversation as we go forward how to balance the supports needed with the increasing pressures of more seniors and a struggling budget to the federal and state level. >> i will wait until my second round. thank you very much. >> thank you very much, senator manchin. we would like to thank you both for being here today. you have made tre
we do this in the field of alzheimer's, support for individuals and family members. those of us who work in the social services arena understand science is not just for people in the laboratory. good evidence, good outcomes is a critical part of delivering quality and effective social service programs. that is why we are suggesting we continue to work in this effort with real regard to the health programs in the older americans act to make sure we have good outcomes. i agree with misses carter...
Nov 25, 2023
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this research shows that sleep is a biomarker for the progression of alzheimer's disease.ic system of the brain is activated during sleep and plays an important role in removing toxins and other unnecessary substances from the brain tissue. according to scientists, since sleep disorder causes the deposition of toxins in the central nervous system, sleep deprivation increases the accumulation of toxins and in the long run can cause the development of alzheimer's disease, but cleaning the brain from toxins during sleep effectively resists the progression of the disease alzheimer's help. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock. greetings and respect to all the viewers of mez ekhozt program, we had in the news that the training instructions for notaries of official documents have been published . according to these instructions, those who pass the notarial exam must take the internship course and after passing it, they will get a notarial license. let's take it under the same pretext that today's economy table was discussed on the same topic, to see that basically, in the matte
this research shows that sleep is a biomarker for the progression of alzheimer's disease.ic system of the brain is activated during sleep and plays an important role in removing toxins and other unnecessary substances from the brain tissue. according to scientists, since sleep disorder causes the deposition of toxins in the central nervous system, sleep deprivation increases the accumulation of toxins and in the long run can cause the development of alzheimer's disease, but cleaning the brain...
Nov 9, 2023
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thank| you, executive director of research and partners at alzheimer's research uk.s in the us are expected to resume work after their union agreed a tentative deal with hollywood studios to end a four—month strike. the action, ombined with a separate writers' strike, stopped most film and television production. the actors�* union says the agreement resolves disputes about streaming revenue and the use of artificial intelligence. david willis reports. cheering. euphoria greeted news of a breakthrough in hollywood's longest ever strike involving film and tv actors, a dispute that has brought production to a stand—still. all: union power. it has been really challenging, you know, we have a lot of our strike captains on the line that have been close to eviction and have had their only meal of the day while they are striking, so it has not been easy. it is such a feeling - ofjoy and of triumph over adversity, and not quitting. the breakthrough means production can now resume on the superhero franchise blade... and your blood is the one they seek. ..as well as box office
thank| you, executive director of research and partners at alzheimer's research uk.s in the us are expected to resume work after their union agreed a tentative deal with hollywood studios to end a four—month strike. the action, ombined with a separate writers' strike, stopped most film and television production. the actors�* union says the agreement resolves disputes about streaming revenue and the use of artificial intelligence. david willis reports. cheering. euphoria greeted news of a...
Nov 5, 2023
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she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.he same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi! when the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep eve
she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.he same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle...
Nov 6, 2023
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alzheimer's and nih is really a national institute of hope for all those alzheimer's family.thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. last week, the house oversight committee subpoenaed acting nih director for documents relating to the investigation. doctor moran's is a top advisor and doctor fauci is accused of using a personal e-mail to avoid public accountability. and according to him, delete anything he did not want to see in the new york times regarding igthe origins of covid. subcommittee released e-mails allegedly and requested information in june and again in september. if confirmed, will you comply with any subpoenas the house sends to t you relating to the origins of covid-19? >> thank you, senator. i can reassure you that i take congresses responsibility for oversight for the nih and if confirmed, my responsibility as director to be compliant with policies regarding debt oversight. extremelyy seriously. i can confirm that if i assume a position to be accountable and transparent and to work with you to resolvemp these important issues. >> have you ever spokenr to the d
alzheimer's and nih is really a national institute of hope for all those alzheimer's family.thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. last week, the house oversight committee subpoenaed acting nih director for documents relating to the investigation. doctor moran's is a top advisor and doctor fauci is accused of using a personal e-mail to avoid public accountability. and according to him, delete anything he did not want to see in the new york times regarding igthe origins of covid....
Nov 22, 2023
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cuanto mÁs grasa abdominal tengamos en el cuerpo mayor es el riesgo de sufrir alzheimer, un estudio reafirma el abdomen crece los centros de memoria del cerebro se achican.moria de cerebro se . maity: buenas noches y gracias por acompaÑarme. comenzamos con la keto que pondrÉ en pausa temporalmente la devastadora guerra entre israel y terrorista de hamas que llevo un mes y medio, el parlamento israelÍ aprobÓ un cese de fuego y el canje de palestinos presos en cÁrceles israelÍes o rehenes secuestrados por hamas, sin embargo el pacto no pone fin al conflicto en tierra santa porque el primer ministro benjamÍn netanyahu afirmÓ que continuarÁ su ofensiva militar contra su enemigo islÁmico. para ampliar mÁs del tema me acompaÑa elian zidan, con mÁs detalles. elian: buenas noches para ustedes. en efecto hamas va entregar a 50 rehenes que mantiene cautivos como parte del acuerdo ideado por qatar a cambio de liberar a mujeres y niÑos palestinos que estÁn presos en cÁrceles israelÍes. y por cuatro dÍas tambiÉn van a detener sus ataques militares en gaza. el acuerdo tambiÉn de dos fases indica que el go
cuanto mÁs grasa abdominal tengamos en el cuerpo mayor es el riesgo de sufrir alzheimer, un estudio reafirma el abdomen crece los centros de memoria del cerebro se achican.moria de cerebro se . maity: buenas noches y gracias por acompaÑarme. comenzamos con la keto que pondrÉ en pausa temporalmente la devastadora guerra entre israel y terrorista de hamas que llevo un mes y medio, el parlamento israelÍ aprobÓ un cese de fuego y el canje de palestinos presos en cÁrceles israelÍes o rehenes...
Nov 1, 2023
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also, this drug can help prevent alzheimer's and even treat it. the preventive effect of this drug is more than the therapeutic effect. the general director of the office of prevention of disabilities of the welfare organization of the country said: in the 27 years of the implementation of the lazy eye screening program in the country, more than 54 million five hundred thousand children were examined, of which 1 million and 86 thousand were referred to optometry for specialized examination. shehad afroz afroz safari fard fer bozhom reminded that the implementation of this project is for the tenths of one to three raighan. lazy eye happens when the vision ability of two eyes is different, the defect takes orders from the stronger eye and the weaker eye loses its vision over time. the lazy eye care program is one of the oldest programs of the basist organization. advance program since 1375, it has been implemented for children aged 3 to 6 years in the country, because the golden time to prevent this disease is before the age of 6. if all the symptom
also, this drug can help prevent alzheimer's and even treat it. the preventive effect of this drug is more than the therapeutic effect. the general director of the office of prevention of disabilities of the welfare organization of the country said: in the 27 years of the implementation of the lazy eye screening program in the country, more than 54 million five hundred thousand children were examined, of which 1 million and 86 thousand were referred to optometry for specialized examination....
Nov 2, 2023
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it is for alzheimer's awareness month and it is to literally shine a spotlight on the disease for theer's. >> britney spears' memoir has sold more than a million copies in the u.s. it's titled "the woman in me," print sales, e-books and audio books have been massive. spears thanked her fans yesterday saying she poured her heart and soul into her book. it featured several bombshell revelations that she had an abortion while in a relationship with justin timberlake. >> this was for the tour in the survivors and green bay in the east bay and the new tour, the survivors is coming -- the savers is coming to oracle park and the general sale is next friday on november 10th. the new album drops in january. >>> the warriors are debuting a new look. the all-new jersey set to hit the court and the san francisco iconeing highlighted. b >>> a big announcement from the warriors this midday. check out the new looks. >> yeah. the team is officially unveiling this season's city edition alternative jersey. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ >> pretty cool there, too, right? san francisco hills, cable cars are a big thing in this
it is for alzheimer's awareness month and it is to literally shine a spotlight on the disease for theer's. >> britney spears' memoir has sold more than a million copies in the u.s. it's titled "the woman in me," print sales, e-books and audio books have been massive. spears thanked her fans yesterday saying she poured her heart and soul into her book. it featured several bombshell revelations that she had an abortion while in a relationship with justin timberlake. >> this...
Nov 5, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. kohl's black friday early access continues. with our 3-day deals. hurry and get lego sets for 30% off. levi's for 40% off. and save on select keurig coffee makers with c
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or...
Nov 1, 2023
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also, these two can help prevent alzheimer's and even treat it. the preventive effect of this drug is more than its therapeutic effect. director of the department of prevention of disabilities in the country's welfare organization said that in the 27 years of implementation of the lazy eye screening program in the country, more than 54 million five hundred thousand children were examined, of which 1 million 816 thousand were referred to optometrists for specialized examination. afrooz safarifard reminded that the implementation of this project is for the 1st to 3rd deciles. good job. laziness of the eye it happens that the vision ability of two eyes is different , the brain takes instructions from the stronger eye and the weaker eye loses its vision over time. amblyopia or lazy eye program. it is one of the oldest programs of the organization, the lazy eye prevention program has been implemented in the country since 1375 for children aged 3 to 6, because the golden time to prevent this disease is before the age of 6. they will receive a health car
also, these two can help prevent alzheimer's and even treat it. the preventive effect of this drug is more than its therapeutic effect. director of the department of prevention of disabilities in the country's welfare organization said that in the 27 years of implementation of the lazy eye screening program in the country, more than 54 million five hundred thousand children were examined, of which 1 million 816 thousand were referred to optometrists for specialized examination. afrooz...
Nov 26, 2023
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she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.g the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. ♪♪ >>> there's good news tonight about what it means to win. and the arizona high school celebrating one student's victory with an electrifying show of unity and inclusion. >> reporter: this was the legendary, once-in-a-lifetime buzzer beater that kids will be talking ab
she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.g the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled...
Nov 10, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.gitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. [cheers and applause] >> sarah: welcome back to "the daily show." there's a big trend these days of reviving old horror movies, like "the exorcist," or "sc
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.gitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk...
Nov 22, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.eveloped agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.eveloped agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have...
Nov 3, 2023
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she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.g the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> norah: finally tonight we leave you with something the world has been waiting for. for more than 50 years. the last beatles song, the perfectly titled "now and then." >> ♪ now and then ♪ ♪ i miss you ♪ >> norah: after a hard day's night, paul mccartney and ringo starr
she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.g the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled...
Nov 2, 2023
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she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.e same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> norah: finally tonight we leave you with something the world has been waiting for. for more than 50 years. the last beatles song, perfectly titled "now and then." >> ♪ now and then ♪ ♪ i miss you ♪ >> norah: after a hard days night, paul mccartney and ringo starr, along w
she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease.e same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle...
Nov 30, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> norah: finally, tonight, >> norah: finally, tonight, actress frances sternhagen has died. the two-time tony award winner appeared on both stage and screen
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of...
Nov 6, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. (vo) if your thyroid eye disease was diagnosed a long, long time ago you may think your eyes will be bulging forever. like a never-ending curse
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have...
Nov 29, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> norah: finally, tonight, actress frances sternhagen has died. the two-time tony award winner appeared on both stage and screen during a career that spanned
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of...
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today is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.deo game] emergen-c crystals. there are too many options. how do we decide what hotel to book? [poof] fear not, i got you! who are you? i'm your fairy hotel mother. what is happening? let me help you pick a hotel you feel good about. choice hotels is a family of brands, with a hotel for every type of stay. [whoosh] like a comfort with the kiddos. oooo, spacious! [whoosh] or, a cambria hotel downtown for just the two of you. hold my wand. don't wave it at anything. get the best price by booking direct at choicehotels.com -mmm! -yeah! what did i say!?! ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah... just like you and me... bag boys. ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... ♪ whatcha gonna do when we bring your food ♪ -don't... do it... you can always bet on biggie
today is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.deo game] emergen-c crystals. there are too many options. how do we decide what hotel to book? [poof] fear not, i got you! who are you? i'm your fairy hotel mother. what is happening? let me help you pick a hotel you feel good about. choice hotels is a family of brands, with a hotel for every type of stay. [whoosh] like a comfort with the kiddos. oooo, spacious! [whoosh] or, a cambria hotel downtown for just the two of you. hold my wand. don't wave it...
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is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.ow you can get involved as register is still open as we speak. we'll be right back my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ok, floor and decor, show me what you've got. now this tile says “spa day, all day.” but this modern look is so me. how's that for on-trend and on-budget? at floor and decor, with our high-quality selection at everyday low prices, your upgrade has never been more “you.” explore floor and decor today! research shows there are more women who are being diagnosed with lung cancer between the age of 30 to 55, even if they're non-small joker's smoking, which is commonly li
is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.ow you can get involved as register is still open as we speak. we'll be right back my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it...
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today is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.olved as registration is still open ♪ ♪ the home you've always dreamed of is a blue bag away. shop new lower prices at ikea. ♪ 55. even if they're nonsmokers, who's smoking, which is commonly linked to lung cancer and the cancer itself have both declined in the us over the past decade. but doctors say there's been more cases in women who have never smoked before. abc7 news spoke to a thoracic surgeon from ucsf. >> you can always ask your provider if you have a significant risk factor like family history of lung cancer screening. whether they would consider ordering a screening ct scan for you. >> lung cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in women and men in the us, in our country and worldwide. it's the leading cause of cancer related death. new this morning, revel is saying goodbye to its electric moped scooters you've probably seen around san francisco. the transportation company announced it will discontinue its moped service in san francisco and new york. company executives s
today is the annual walk to end alzheimer's.olved as registration is still open ♪ ♪ the home you've always dreamed of is a blue bag away. shop new lower prices at ikea. ♪ 55. even if they're nonsmokers, who's smoking, which is commonly linked to lung cancer and the cancer itself have both declined in the us over the past decade. but doctors say there's been more cases in women who have never smoked before. abc7 news spoke to a thoracic surgeon from ucsf. >> you can always ask your...
Nov 21, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. how white do you think your teeth really are? let's try the tissue test. ooof, still yellow. whitening toothpaste can only do so much. there's toothpaste
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk...
Nov 20, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.n with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >>> finally tonight here, the big rematch tonight here on abc, the kelce brothers. the eagles and the chiefs. and taylor swift. the two brothers face-to-face again tonight. the f
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.n with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke....
Nov 15, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ntia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >>> finally tonight here, america strong. the boy and the piano. his determined parents, and the school that believed in him. ♪ we can hear the piano before we even arrive. ♪ matthew whitak
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.ntia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever,...
Nov 27, 2023
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we have that potential for alzheimer's.e have a group ready to go we can start treating quickly and see if it makes a difference. i'm excited for the potential we have over here. >> fascinating to hear that, kate. i'm here at the global summit at hampton palace. i want to ask if you think conferences like this will actually move the needle on the global scale. i know you penned an op-ed earlier this year saying the uk government has been squandering long-term solutions with the rising costs and cost of living crisis. do you think summits like this will make a difference in the long run? >> i'm not sure it will make a big difference, but it will make a difference to highlight the issues in the uk. if i go back to the covid pandemic, all of the clinical trials in the u.s. for the covid therapeutics, 95% were not actionable. too small to get data out to change the way that patients were treated. that is not the case in the uk. we were able to bring together the large clinical trials that did alter the course of the treatments
we have that potential for alzheimer's.e have a group ready to go we can start treating quickly and see if it makes a difference. i'm excited for the potential we have over here. >> fascinating to hear that, kate. i'm here at the global summit at hampton palace. i want to ask if you think conferences like this will actually move the needle on the global scale. i know you penned an op-ed earlier this year saying the uk government has been squandering long-term solutions with the rising...
Nov 14, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.mentia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >>> finally tonight here, america strong. the boy and the piano. his determined parents, and the school that believed in him. ♪ we can hear the piano before we even arrive. ♪ matthew whit
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.mentia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever,...
Nov 22, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.oped agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. how white do you think your teeth really are? let's try the tissue test. ooof, still yellow. whitening toothpaste can only do so much. there's toothp
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.oped agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased...
Nov 26, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.he developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> linsey: to the index now. the numbers are in for black friday shopping. a mastercard analysis found in-store sales rose by just over 1% th
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.he developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have...
Nov 27, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. >> lin >> linsey: to the index now. the numbers are in for black friday shopping. a mastercard analysis found in-store sales rose by just o
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her. she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have...
Nov 27, 2023
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my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.hat may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one. ask their doctor about rexulti. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses ex
my mom's alzheimer's never changed how much we love her. but it did change her.hat may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or...
Nov 30, 2023
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it's something amazing to see in our community and the fight against alzheimer's is stronger because of the work of the halls in southern arizona. as we conclude alzheimer's awareness month, i want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to them for their dedication and compassion they bring to arizona's sixth congressional district. mr. speaker, i rise today to remember and honor the life of freddy ortiz, a devoted c.b.p. agent who tragically lost his life in the line of duty. on november 13th, agent ortiz was responding to reports of illegal border activity when he was involved in a fatal a.t.v. crash in douglas, arizona. agent ortiz dedicated his life to service in our country, serving in the u.s. navy before spending the last 13 years in c.b.p. the loss of freddy ortiz underscores a harsh reality, our law enforcement and border patrol put their lives on the line every day when they wake up and put on their uniforms. as we gather with family and friends this holiday season, i encourage you all to remember families like the ortizs who will be missing a loved one at their table because the
it's something amazing to see in our community and the fight against alzheimer's is stronger because of the work of the halls in southern arizona. as we conclude alzheimer's awareness month, i want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to them for their dedication and compassion they bring to arizona's sixth congressional district. mr. speaker, i rise today to remember and honor the life of freddy ortiz, a devoted c.b.p. agent who tragically lost his life in the line of duty. on november 13th, agent...
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alzheimer's is certainly not going to back down, and neither should we. right. >> i think this event is amazing and the amount of money it raises and the awareness it raises around alzheimer's. >> people interested in donating can still contribute. on the association's website. donations go a long way and they're used for research and to help families with quality care and support. you hear it here and the north bay san rafael held its 35th dia de los muertos event. the event included cultural and music performances in the community center at pickleweed park. the multi day holiday allows family and friends to pay respects and remember their loved ones who have passed away. in san ramon now, a bright scene here. the city is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its annual light parade. take a look at this. the event draws people of all ages to see these illuminated floats and get those. this is a birthday themed one here coming up. there were plenty of floats, dancers, bands and clubs lighting up the sky, and the parade started down camino ramon and finished
alzheimer's is certainly not going to back down, and neither should we. right. >> i think this event is amazing and the amount of money it raises and the awareness it raises around alzheimer's. >> people interested in donating can still contribute. on the association's website. donations go a long way and they're used for research and to help families with quality care and support. you hear it here and the north bay san rafael held its 35th dia de los muertos event. the event...
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and i found one through the alzheimer's association, through open house here in san francisco .kind of be me in person at the time with other people who could understand where you are, what you need to be doing as well as the skills money raised from the walk in alzheimer's will fund research to find a cure. >> the walk begins at 1030 at pc seven mornings anchor reggie aqui will be emceeing the event as he has been for several years now. should be a great day for thousands of people marched through san francisco last night for the annual day of the dead procession. >> an. the colorful commemorate asian weaved its way through the mission district. people dressed in traditional outfits. some painted their faces to resemble skulls. day of the dead commemorations date back centuries in mexico and central america. it's a day to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away. this is the 42nd year the procession has been held in san francisco. >> all right. checking in on the forecast once again this hour. >> yeah, it was a lovely for the procession, but it could get a little more
and i found one through the alzheimer's association, through open house here in san francisco .kind of be me in person at the time with other people who could understand where you are, what you need to be doing as well as the skills money raised from the walk in alzheimer's will fund research to find a cure. >> the walk begins at 1030 at pc seven mornings anchor reggie aqui will be emceeing the event as he has been for several years now. should be a great day for thousands of people...
Nov 15, 2023
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we're back now at 8:13 with your health november is alzheimer's awareness month, a disease that impactsr your 40s but experts say hearing loss also impacts the brain and if left untreated, it can dramatically raise your risk for alzheimer's and other kinds of dementia a new study finds getting treatment for hearing loss could give your brain a boost. after years of declining hearing, 75-year-old satia is getting his first hearing aid. >> how does that feel? pretty good? >> uh-huh. >>> a device that studies show is not only good for his ears, but also his brain and a potentially powerful weapon against alzheimer's and dementia if you now find out that getting these hearing aids is preventing or delaying cognitive decline, how will that make you feel? >> i wish i had got it earlier. >> reporter: research finds a clear link between hearing loss and dementia while mild hearing loss doubles a person's risk, moderate loss triples it and those with severe hearing impairment have five times the risk experts say that's because hearing loss causes the brain to work harder, hurting other functions
we're back now at 8:13 with your health november is alzheimer's awareness month, a disease that impactsr your 40s but experts say hearing loss also impacts the brain and if left untreated, it can dramatically raise your risk for alzheimer's and other kinds of dementia a new study finds getting treatment for hearing loss could give your brain a boost. after years of declining hearing, 75-year-old satia is getting his first hearing aid. >> how does that feel? pretty good? >> uh-huh....
Nov 24, 2023
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this research shows that sleep is a biomarker for the progression of alzheimer's disease. the lymphatic system of the brain is activated during sleep and plays an important role in removing toxins and other unnecessary substances from the brain tissue . in a long time can cause
this research shows that sleep is a biomarker for the progression of alzheimer's disease. the lymphatic system of the brain is activated during sleep and plays an important role in removing toxins and other unnecessary substances from the brain tissue . in a long time can cause
Nov 5, 2023
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. >>> and walking to health in alzheimer's. hundreds walked along the embarcadero yesterday hoping to raise money for alzheimer's research. participants raised funds through pledges. they say they have been coming here for more than 20 years. the alzheimer's association says the money will provide patients with care and support. doctors don't know what causes the brain disease, which robs a person of their thoughts, memory and ability to carry on a normal conversation. >>> and if you're looking for events to attend before the weekend is up, mike has a few ideas in this weekend's calendar. >> let's start today with the feeling of giving. we go out to san francisco for a benefit concert with a twist here. we'll go to the conservatory of music where the theme is united we move forward. the music reflects a mix of cultures from around the world, expressing support and compassion. you can buy a ticket and watch it streamed online to contribute. sfcm.edu. and for those who need giving to those who have given, a celebration of those w
. >>> and walking to health in alzheimer's. hundreds walked along the embarcadero yesterday hoping to raise money for alzheimer's research. participants raised funds through pledges. they say they have been coming here for more than 20 years. the alzheimer's association says the money will provide patients with care and support. doctors don't know what causes the brain disease, which robs a person of their thoughts, memory and ability to carry on a normal conversation. >>> and...
Nov 2, 2023
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it's to raise awareness for alzheimer. hall, some of the places lighting up the world in teal. this happens in november, as it's alzheimer's remembrance month. the cdc says well more than 6 million americans suffer from alzheimer's. >>> later this morning the warriors will unveil the season's alternative jersey. you may have saw a leak of it online with the other nba teams. this morning, the team is coming off an exciting finish to last night's game. >> klay thompson, a three. klay for the win! it's good! >> they make it look so easy. he nailed the game winner with .2 seconds back on the clock. sacramento had one final chance but came up short. the warriors won it 102-101. they have won four in a row after losing their season opener. >>> now the beatles are dropping a new song. sounds strange, right? >> yeah, it does, and it's featuring all four band members as well. you may wonder, how is this possible? artificial intelligence. it comes from a batch of unreleased demos written by the late john lennon. ai separated his voc
it's to raise awareness for alzheimer. hall, some of the places lighting up the world in teal. this happens in november, as it's alzheimer's remembrance month. the cdc says well more than 6 million americans suffer from alzheimer's. >>> later this morning the warriors will unveil the season's alternative jersey. you may have saw a leak of it online with the other nba teams. this morning, the team is coming off an exciting finish to last night's game. >> klay thompson, a three....
Nov 21, 2023
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. >> when we come back, a certain kind of belly fat may increase your risk of alzheimer's disease. >>tuned for diet swaps sta, i really need to know. uh, go spicy or go home, right? what? no. what if i'm not sure i have the right coverage for my car? oh, your agent can help you make sure it's just what you need. what if i accidentally hit a food truck and it gets covered in empanadas? you can file a claim on the app. at state farm, we're there for your “what ifs.” thanks! - oh! - mmmm... that is too spicy. that's for you! like a good neighbor, state farm is there.® call or click to get a quote today. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. ever notice how stiff clothes for softness and resilience, can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and ge
. >> when we come back, a certain kind of belly fat may increase your risk of alzheimer's disease. >>tuned for diet swaps sta, i really need to know. uh, go spicy or go home, right? what? no. what if i'm not sure i have the right coverage for my car? oh, your agent can help you make sure it's just what you need. what if i accidentally hit a food truck and it gets covered in empanadas? you can file a claim on the app. at state farm, we're there for your “what ifs.” thanks! - oh!...
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the alzheimer's association says that more than 2000 people participated. helped raise almost 890,000 of a $1.1 million goal since the start of the year. >> with more hope this year than i ever have before. and i hope you feel the same. alzheimer's is certainly not going to back down, and neither should we. right. i think this event is amazing and the amount of money it raises and the awareness it raises around alzheimer's, people interested in donating can still contribute. >> on the association's website. donations are used for research and to help families with quality care and also support. >> so at the very beginning, reggie was there of course, with phil and his mom, mama kee is here in the bay. so i was just happy to see her. >> so, mama, if you're watching, it's such a great cause for sure. yes of nexus seven, things you need to know today. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live. and on demand through the abc7 bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. so download the app now and start streaming i
the alzheimer's association says that more than 2000 people participated. helped raise almost 890,000 of a $1.1 million goal since the start of the year. >> with more hope this year than i ever have before. and i hope you feel the same. alzheimer's is certainly not going to back down, and neither should we. right. i think this event is amazing and the amount of money it raises and the awareness it raises around alzheimer's, people interested in donating can still contribute. >> on...