don’t forget to write down, dashka’s data, you probably already know it by heart , but offend, anatolmech, i know better than the multiplication table, so people, god himself sent this guy to me, efimych’s granddaughter was born the day before yesterday, so he left, well a poor tamara petrovna was left alone, uh-huh, well , who would come to me here in such a wilderness for such a salary, but it’s clear, don’t expect to fire me, that i’ll fall out of the woods? why fire him? you're welcome, don't mind me, i just asked. all the best. if we fail to fire him, we will engage in self-hypnosis. i am cold and indifferent, not a single muscle on my face will touch this person. for me, what is most important: sports, training, training sports, sports and training, can you cook pilaf? and pilaf, and pasties and pancakes with jam, just for you. 5 years will not break up, i still have time, zhat, are you serious, yes, thank you, of course, luda, hey, hi, i'm home, hi, well, dads, thank you, why is this all of a sudden? and this is so that our mother will always be in a good mood. what, have you b