andrey zelinsky, not to be confused with zelensky, continues to knock on the door... they do not give learned that but having learned about the documents that i need, i want to submit them to the supreme court for human rights, what they did, they opened a criminal case against me under the article of attempting to overthrow the constitutional order, i need a person, a person from your department, i will give a lot. information about the sale of our ukrainian children, and especially there are entire lists from orphanages, they are missing, our ukrainian children. given what's going on, given what's going on how the consulate and embassy act, they were intimidated. there is also information, it is official information, that our consuls and ambassadors were intimidated at once, they were abroad, i was also abroad at that time, they received parcels with cut out eyes. animals, this suggests that they were intimidated, but they blamed everything, as always, on the russian federation. while still abroad, i addressed the ukrainian authorities, consuls and ambassadors, with zero emotion. it