friedman was a frequent coauthor, but why don't you tell us a bit about anna schwartz, with whom he coauthored a monetary history of the united states. i mean, how common was it back then for economists who were overwhelmingly male to work with women? it was it was very uncommon, especially to have women as coauthors. now, schwartz was someone who similar background, immigrant background. friedman but she grew up in new york city. so she went to barnard college and pretty quickly, her professors figured out she was brilliant and she actually started working as a coauthor. her professors in college, and then afterwards when she went to graduate school. so she then went to the national bureau economic research where she was working under burns and. i talk in some detail in book about the relationship with burns and schwartz which was not positive, and schwartz had spent a lot of time in columbia, and she had somehow never gotten a doctorate for all her work. and she had coauthored a three volume history on the british economy. much she was still technically a doctoral. and so then when she was w