Jun 7, 2024
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antonio: en san antonio, texas, antonio guillÉn.estÉ las jurisdicciones donde es mÁs difÍcil que la peticiÓn de asilo sea aprobada por las autoridades apresados de redes recibir a cientos de miles de migrantes que piden asilo polÍtico. fabiola galindo nos tiene las advertencias para evitar ser estafados en el proceso. fabiola: cuando llegÓ con sus hijos a un albergue marina se apurÓ a enviar su solicitud de asilo. >>yo vivÍa acÁ, entonces ellos me informaron del proceso. fabiola: sus hijos ya se estÁn adaptando, pero el proceso legal lleva tiempo. >>ellos tienen que recibir la solicitud del asilo y tengo que esperar 160 dÍas para tener el permiso de trabajo. fabiola: la gran mayorÍa de los migrantes cambiaron las solicitudes han visto sus peticiones en denegada. en el 2020 cuando a nivel nacional se aprobaron 28% de las vicisitudes de asilo, en —— solicitudes de asilo, en new york sÓlo el 5% eran aprobadas. asistieron a miles de decenas de reciÉn llegados a solicitar el asilo. mÁs de 53,000 inmigrantes han pedido el asilo de manera
antonio: en san antonio, texas, antonio guillÉn.estÉ las jurisdicciones donde es mÁs difÍcil que la peticiÓn de asilo sea aprobada por las autoridades apresados de redes recibir a cientos de miles de migrantes que piden asilo polÍtico. fabiola galindo nos tiene las advertencias para evitar ser estafados en el proceso. fabiola: cuando llegÓ con sus hijos a un albergue marina se apurÓ a enviar su solicitud de asilo. >>yo vivÍa acÁ, entonces ellos me informaron del proceso....
Jun 30, 2024
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la ceremonia continÚa y seguiremos con mÁs detalles desde el suroeste de san antonio.guras. los delfines quedaron varados en aguas de escasa profundidad, en la desembocadura del rÍo, que es un peligro por el fango. se acercan las festividades del 4 de julio y muy posiblemente usted gastarÁ menos este aÑo en comida. asÍ lo asegurÓ una encuesta de la asociaciÓn nacional de minoristas, que dicen que en el paÍs se gastarÁn $90 por persona en comida para el dÍa de la independencia. este monto es tres dÓlares menor a lo consumido en las fiestas del aÑo pasado. el presidente electo de panamÁ visita el tapÓn del dariÉn y anuncia la detenciÓn de migrantes que lo cruzan. las selecciones de suiza y alemania sacan boletos para los cuartos de final de la eurocopa. jorge: problemas para biden en el primer debate presidencial. ... avanza como la confirmaciÓn de su gabinete. ¿tiene amlo algo que ver con esto? podrÁn los astronautas en el espacio regresar pronto a la tierra. les esperamos quÉ estÁ en juego en venezuela. juego en venezuela. en denny's, hay ofertas deliciosas todo el día
la ceremonia continÚa y seguiremos con mÁs detalles desde el suroeste de san antonio.guras. los delfines quedaron varados en aguas de escasa profundidad, en la desembocadura del rÍo, que es un peligro por el fango. se acercan las festividades del 4 de julio y muy posiblemente usted gastarÁ menos este aÑo en comida. asÍ lo asegurÓ una encuesta de la asociaciÓn nacional de minoristas, que dicen que en el paÍs se gastarÁn $90 por persona en comida para el dÍa de la independencia. este...
Jun 29, 2024
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la ceremonia continÚa y seguiremos con mÁs detalles desde el suroeste de san antonio.rganizaciones estaban tratando de guiarlos a zonas seguras. los delfines quedaron varados en aguas de escasa profundidad, en la desembocadura del rÍo, que es un peligro por el fango. se acercan las festividades del 4 de julio y muy posiblemente usted gastarÁ menos este aÑo en comida. asÍ lo asegurÓ una encuesta de la asociaciÓn nacional de minoristas, que dicen que en el paÍs se gastarÁn $90 por persona en comida para el dÍa de la independencia. este monto es tres dÓlares menor a lo consumido en las fiestas del aÑo pasado. el presidente electo de panamÁ visita el tapÓn del dariÉn y anuncia la detenciÓn de migrantes que lo cruzan. las selecciones de suiza y alemania sacan boletos para los cuartos de final de la eurocopa. jorge: problemas para biden en el primer debate presidencial. ... avanza como la confirmaciÓn de su gabinete. ¿tiene amlo algo que ver con esto? podrÁn los astronautas en el espacio regresar pronto a la tierra. les esperamos quÉ estÁ en juego en venezuela. juego en vene
la ceremonia continÚa y seguiremos con mÁs detalles desde el suroeste de san antonio.rganizaciones estaban tratando de guiarlos a zonas seguras. los delfines quedaron varados en aguas de escasa profundidad, en la desembocadura del rÍo, que es un peligro por el fango. se acercan las festividades del 4 de julio y muy posiblemente usted gastarÁ menos este aÑo en comida. asÍ lo asegurÓ una encuesta de la asociaciÓn nacional de minoristas, que dicen que en el paÍs se gastarÁn $90 por...
Jun 7, 2024
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. >> las autoridades los encontraron en una casa del area de san antonio. >> esa alertaron de un camionhoso y comenzo el operativo. >> hay siete personas arre arrestadas, acusadas de trafico humano. >> francisco cuevas cuevas hor cuevas se informa. >> este es el remolque en el que 26 migrantes fueron t transportados por varias horas en temperaturas de mas de 100 grados de 100 grados desde laredo, texas, hasta san antonio, debajo del vehiculo habia poca ventilacion. >> una llamada anonima alerto a las autoridades quienes lo s siguieron muy de cerca, hasta que llego a su destino en esta casa, al sur de san antonio, donde agentes del sheriff entraron a la habian 26 que habian son 26 personas dentro de esa trailer, en ese comp compartimento, nomas juntos ahi en el compartimento recibimos informacion que estaban a hablando de seres humanos en esta casa, nosotros cuando llegamos, ibamos llegando, vimos una estrella que iba entrando con una troca una camioneta y luego otra camioneta siguiendo los nosotros vimos que las dos vehiculos se metieron a la propiedad. >> las autoridades encontraron a
. >> las autoridades los encontraron en una casa del area de san antonio. >> esa alertaron de un camionhoso y comenzo el operativo. >> hay siete personas arre arrestadas, acusadas de trafico humano. >> francisco cuevas cuevas hor cuevas se informa. >> este es el remolque en el que 26 migrantes fueron t transportados por varias horas en temperaturas de mas de 100 grados de 100 grados desde laredo, texas, hasta san antonio, debajo del vehiculo habia poca ventilacion....
Jun 18, 2024
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ilia: la ciudad de san antonio, texas, prepara un monumento en memoria de los 53 migrantes que murieronvo leÓn, mÉxico, elevando a 10 muertos. una persona de 53 aÑos sufriÓ heridas graves en el cierre de campaÑa de una candidata de movimiento ciudadano (mc). activista reportaron hoy la desapariciÓn de cecilia flores, lÍder del colectivo madre buscadoras de hijos desaparecidos. pidieron a las autoridades que intervengan. "ceci" flores saliÓ de mÉxico hacia querÉtaro. el consulado anunciÓ acerca de secuestro de ciudadanos estadounidenses que viajan hacia el estado de tamaulipas, los secuestradores piden miles de dÓlares para liberar a sus vÍctimas. reportero: todos los dÍas miles de viajeros recorre en autobÚs la frontera para visitar familiares. segÚn el departamento de estado, deberÁn tomar mÁs precauciones y evitar estos viajes. el consulado de estados unidos en matamoros emitiÓ un aviso de cuidado por secuestros en la frontera de tamaulipas, reynosa, estos secuestros podrÍan ser hecho a estadounidenses. los secuestradores suelen exigir rescates de miles de dÓlares por cada vÍctima. es
ilia: la ciudad de san antonio, texas, prepara un monumento en memoria de los 53 migrantes que murieronvo leÓn, mÉxico, elevando a 10 muertos. una persona de 53 aÑos sufriÓ heridas graves en el cierre de campaÑa de una candidata de movimiento ciudadano (mc). activista reportaron hoy la desapariciÓn de cecilia flores, lÍder del colectivo madre buscadoras de hijos desaparecidos. pidieron a las autoridades que intervengan. "ceci" flores saliÓ de mÉxico hacia querÉtaro. el...
Jun 7, 2024
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comenzamos en san antonio, texas con el rescate de 26 migrantes presuntas vÍctimas de trÁfico humano.en condiciones infrahumanas en un remolque sin aire acondicionado en una remota zona del condado de bÉjar. francisco cuevas tiene los detalles. >> este es el remolque en el que 26 migrantes fueron transportados por varias horas en temperaturas de mÁs de 100 grados desde laredo, texas hasta san antonio. debajo del vehÍculo habÍa poca ventilaciÓn. una llamada anÓnima alertÓ a las autoridades, quienes lo siguieron muy de cerca hasta que llegÓ a su destino en esta casa. al sur de san antonio, donde agentes del sheriff entraron a la fuerza. >> resulta que habÍan 26 personas dentro de esa traila en ese apartamento, eh? nomÁs juntos, ahÍ en el departamento recibimos informaciÓn que estaban contrabando de seres humanos en esta casa. nosotros cuando llegamos y Íbamos llegando, vimos una tela que iba entrando con una troca, una camioneta y luego otra camioneta siguiÉndolos. nosotros vimos que las dos, los dos vehÍculos, se metieron a la propiedad, las autoridades encontraron a 26 migrantes en pr
comenzamos en san antonio, texas con el rescate de 26 migrantes presuntas vÍctimas de trÁfico humano.en condiciones infrahumanas en un remolque sin aire acondicionado en una remota zona del condado de bÉjar. francisco cuevas tiene los detalles. >> este es el remolque en el que 26 migrantes fueron transportados por varias horas en temperaturas de mÁs de 100 grados desde laredo, texas hasta san antonio. debajo del vehÍculo habÍa poca ventilaciÓn. una llamada anÓnima alertÓ a las...
Jun 1, 2024
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police say that jose antonio ibarra enter the u.s.lly from venezuela in 2022 come up in the case as ramped up in a national immigration debate, especially since ice confirmed that jose antonio ibarra was previously arrested in new york in 2023, parks, acting in a manner to injure a child. and jose antonio ibarra is due back in court in august but some experts say that the defense may try to plea-bargain. >> from all indications at this stage, from what i know of the case, there is a great deal of evidence tying jose antonio ibarra, to the murder here of laken riley and as a result of that, it is probably more likely than not, this case will not go to trial see not go back in march jose antonio ibarra defense through jury trial yesterday the judge said that he is funny on the trial to start of the fall so have to see how that all plays out in the courts, back to you. alicia: madison, thank you. griff: all right alicia acuna will pick up where you left off their praises of the storm are in the southern border with fox news contributor,
police say that jose antonio ibarra enter the u.s.lly from venezuela in 2022 come up in the case as ramped up in a national immigration debate, especially since ice confirmed that jose antonio ibarra was previously arrested in new york in 2023, parks, acting in a manner to injure a child. and jose antonio ibarra is due back in court in august but some experts say that the defense may try to plea-bargain. >> from all indications at this stage, from what i know of the case, there is a great...
Jun 10, 2024
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en texas tambiÉn, san antonio en esos 98. 90 en houston.s noches. fÉlix: gabriel, gracias. y al menos 10 personas resultaron heridas en un tiroteo durante una fiesta nocturna en la azotea de un edificio de apartamentos en madison, wisconsin. varias vÍctimas tuvieron que ser hospitalizadas. sin embargo, no todos recibieron heridas de bala. no cesa la ola de violencia en mÉxico, mÁs de 4000 indÍgenas de chiapas tuvieron que salir huyendo de su comunidad y refugiarse en albergues improvisados. un grupo criminal ha desatado el terror al incendiar casas, vehÍculos y asesinar a varios pobladores. sandra argüelles nos cuenta cÓmo estÁn viviendo ahora estos desplazados de la violencia. >> tuvimos que salir huyendo porque quisieron y lo que ellos querÍan, degollarnos, matarnos, violarnos. sandra: este es el miedo con el que viven. >> yo no tengo miedo a morir. yo tengo varios nietos que salieron. me dio miedo que los mataran. sandra: son poco mÁs de 4000 desplazados indÍgenas que fueron amenazados luego de que el grupo criminal provocara el terror.
en texas tambiÉn, san antonio en esos 98. 90 en houston.s noches. fÉlix: gabriel, gracias. y al menos 10 personas resultaron heridas en un tiroteo durante una fiesta nocturna en la azotea de un edificio de apartamentos en madison, wisconsin. varias vÍctimas tuvieron que ser hospitalizadas. sin embargo, no todos recibieron heridas de bala. no cesa la ola de violencia en mÉxico, mÁs de 4000 indÍgenas de chiapas tuvieron que salir huyendo de su comunidad y refugiarse en albergues...
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n. chief condemns the fossil fuel industry. antonio good terrorist calls coal oil and gas companies, the gold fathers of climate details and suggests a new tax on the profits as new data highlights. the gear of brentwood. breaking temperature is also coming up thousands of altro nationalists is riley's parade for jerusalem's muscle and corsair sto contentions amid the war and gone. so some of those taking pos i heard chancing racist slogans. and usually involved in the i is percent of the dw freedom of speech awards in the in the widow or the late russian opposition liter. alexa and developing says it's impossible for her not to continue her husband's work the lives like a welcome to the program. the you and the secretary general, antonio good parish has called for a tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to help pay for the fights against climate change. he said to time, it may be running out to control rising global temperatures. this comes as a new report indicates last month was the hottest may on record, and the 12th straight monthly record high last month was the hottest m
n. chief condemns the fossil fuel industry. antonio good terrorist calls coal oil and gas companies, the gold fathers of climate details and suggests a new tax on the profits as new data highlights. the gear of brentwood. breaking temperature is also coming up thousands of altro nationalists is riley's parade for jerusalem's muscle and corsair sto contentions amid the war and gone. so some of those taking pos i heard chancing racist slogans. and usually involved in the i is percent of the dw...
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we've heard antonio comparison. i saying he's quoting, for a winful tax on fossil fuel companies, can the fossil fuel industry fix the problem that they created? so i don't think they have the incentive to fix the problem. they create an effect as long as possible. fuel companies can make money selling fossil fuels, they're going to do. so. the only way to stop the world from warming is to get our global emissions of c o 2 all the way down to 0, which means no more burning of oil, gas or coal. and less that's kind of balanced with permanent removal of carpentry atmosphere, which is quite expensive. no, maybe there's a way that oil and gas companies can play a role in some of the solutions and things like geothermal energy in carbon capture and storage or carbon dioxide removal. and that's going to be a very different market in there. and today there's not really a world world around the gas companies are still selling oil and gas 3040 years from now. if we're on track to meet our clinicals. and that was a nice day o
we've heard antonio comparison. i saying he's quoting, for a winful tax on fossil fuel companies, can the fossil fuel industry fix the problem that they created? so i don't think they have the incentive to fix the problem. they create an effect as long as possible. fuel companies can make money selling fossil fuels, they're going to do. so. the only way to stop the world from warming is to get our global emissions of c o 2 all the way down to 0, which means no more burning of oil, gas or coal....
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there were also scuffles with police are correspond. antonio kramer is in jerusalem and has been following today's events. she told me more about what she saw there. well, i mean i'm sending him is through some right here in front of damascus gate, and this is to send to, to the heart of history slim. and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is really coming through here on this annual aflac march is a lot of young people that these been see here today. and that basically what then they always the celebrating this, the cap to of is to was a 9 to 67 after the 6 day war. and the reunification associate of the cities. something the, the capital of israel, of course. but it's not recognized by many countries. now, this is also show a force for the posting and residents and this part of the city because they get to hear all the, you know, all the area. yeah. has been a basically cordoned off, says a lot of security. yeah. most of the residents don't even come close here at the moment on that
there were also scuffles with police are correspond. antonio kramer is in jerusalem and has been following today's events. she told me more about what she saw there. well, i mean i'm sending him is through some right here in front of damascus gate, and this is to send to, to the heart of history slim. and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is really coming through here on this annual aflac...
Jun 25, 2024
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josé antonio josé vielma y ese es tu informe para. telemundo?mente ahí se encuentra max cordaro. para irnos adelantando detalles más adelante. césar fátima, amigos de telemundo 48. como lo podemos sentir? lo podemos palpar? muchas emociones encontradas. creo que el tema del juego entre giants y cubs pasa a segundo plano porque va a ser el primero en casa luego del fallecimiento. el pasado martes de la leyenda del número 24, willie mays, y les vamos a mostrar la cantidad de personas no solamente alrededor de la estatua en la plaza, sino alrededor de todo el estadio. luego, a las 18:00 de la tarde, vamos a estar cerca del número 24 gigante que se colocó a las puertas del estadio para una jornada realmente particular, emotiva, hermosa, donde miles de aficionados de los giants de la bahía y de todas partes del país llegaron para rendir tributo a 1 de los mejores jugadores de todos los tiempos en las grandes ligas. a las 6 y 35, dentro del estadio habrá un acto protocolar para rendir tributo a mays. vamos a escuchar aficionados que se acercaron a ora
josé antonio josé vielma y ese es tu informe para. telemundo?mente ahí se encuentra max cordaro. para irnos adelantando detalles más adelante. césar fátima, amigos de telemundo 48. como lo podemos sentir? lo podemos palpar? muchas emociones encontradas. creo que el tema del juego entre giants y cubs pasa a segundo plano porque va a ser el primero en casa luego del fallecimiento. el pasado martes de la leyenda del número 24, willie mays, y les vamos a mostrar la cantidad de personas no...
Jun 5, 2024
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joining us now is the mayor of san antonio, ron nurenburg.te house for this executive action. >> i appreciate the reporter's comments there because i think he's right. i mean, this is one step of a larger context that the biden administration has been working on a whole of government approach that includes diplomacy with mexico and with the state department working on solutions inside the interior of mexico and other south american communities. in addition to that, cracking down on smugglers and making it easier for us to apply penalties. it is a whole of administration approach with the exception of congress whose job it is to reform our immigration policies, and, frankly, you know, yesterday was a good day for communities who have been overwhelmed, ngos and local governments who have been dealing with the impacts of the migration influx in a way that upholds our priorities. our priorities are to maintain order, protect public safety and treat people with dignity and humanity. we've been able to do that through cooperation with the white hou
joining us now is the mayor of san antonio, ron nurenburg.te house for this executive action. >> i appreciate the reporter's comments there because i think he's right. i mean, this is one step of a larger context that the biden administration has been working on a whole of government approach that includes diplomacy with mexico and with the state department working on solutions inside the interior of mexico and other south american communities. in addition to that, cracking down on...
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louis, and wade phillips at san antonio on who do we game plan for?orral may be the man moving >> drew: danny etling was the man for michigan. silent in the second half as the stallions defense has proven its to be championship worthy again. ricky person on the carry, and skip holtz will lead this franchise back to a championship game. he'll take on either st. louis or san antonio next sunday in st. louis at the dome. >> hey, matt, matt! you feel like you had before or no? >> extra guy. it's number 4. he's looking at me. looks like they're going zero. >> that's fine. then hand it. i just don't want to get into the -- we just picked up fourth. you know what i mean? we're going to do the same thing. >> we're good. >> we're going to do the same thing again. let's go left full. you want to go left full, move. do the same thing. left full, move into even. >> sam: we talked to skip holtz earlier this week, and we asked him if there's one message about your team on what sets them apart, what would it be? he said, it's the intangibles and the relationships ov
louis, and wade phillips at san antonio on who do we game plan for?orral may be the man moving >> drew: danny etling was the man for michigan. silent in the second half as the stallions defense has proven its to be championship worthy again. ricky person on the carry, and skip holtz will lead this franchise back to a championship game. he'll take on either st. louis or san antonio next sunday in st. louis at the dome. >> hey, matt, matt! you feel like you had before or no? >>...
Jun 28, 2024
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the european council was headed by former prime minister of portugal antonio costa, while ursula fonderen remained head of the european commission for a second term. the most romantic show for yesterday's people. schoolchildren in st. petersburg are all ready for the holiday of graduates of al and parus, it will take place today, a concert, a colorful procession along the neva briga - russia. the details were worked out that night at the final rehearsal. in the southern donetsk direction, russian tankers destroyed the fortification of the ukrainian armed forces under coal. the combat mission was carried out by the crews of the modernized t-80 and t-90 tanks. at the same time, the fighters made most of their trips to the firing lines at night. our military man. despite the harsh appearance, thick armor , large-caliber gun, the tank was named after a woman, the crew and the vehicle have been serving together for a long time and have already become close. before a fight, let’s say, we can pet her, we can sit and just have a heart-to-heart talk with her, so that she gets us out of the battle
the european council was headed by former prime minister of portugal antonio costa, while ursula fonderen remained head of the european commission for a second term. the most romantic show for yesterday's people. schoolchildren in st. petersburg are all ready for the holiday of graduates of al and parus, it will take place today, a concert, a colorful procession along the neva briga - russia. the details were worked out that night at the final rehearsal. in the southern donetsk direction,...
Jun 15, 2024
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yo soy antonio josé vielma y ese es tu informe cnbc para telemundo.impuestos de un compañero de trabajo que habría encontrado olvidado en una impresora y en el que descubrió que el hombre ganaba 10.000 $ más por hacer el mismo trabajo. hasta el momento, apple no ha respondido a las solicitudes de comentarios. con esto vamos a la pausa. un guardia de seguridad pierde la vida en un altercado que terminó en disparos. los detalles más adelante y autoridades de santa rosa arrestan a varios menores de edad acusados de pertenecer a pandillas que operan en el centro de la ciudad. los detalles a la fecha. si estás buscando empleo en línea, tienes que saber que hay ofertas falsas. yo te voy a d csaecirómo ber por medio de una computadora. no es extraño recibir ofertas o una invitación hasta de trabajo. oye, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado porque muchas de estas ofertas resultan ser estafas. arlen fernández nos dice cómo detectar una estafa de trabajo. puede parecer el empleo de tus sueños con excelentes prestaciones y un muy buen sueldo, pero se trata de una e
yo soy antonio josé vielma y ese es tu informe cnbc para telemundo.impuestos de un compañero de trabajo que habría encontrado olvidado en una impresora y en el que descubrió que el hombre ganaba 10.000 $ más por hacer el mismo trabajo. hasta el momento, apple no ha respondido a las solicitudes de comentarios. con esto vamos a la pausa. un guardia de seguridad pierde la vida en un altercado que terminó en disparos. los detalles más adelante y autoridades de santa rosa arrestan a varios...
Jun 27, 2024
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yo soy antonio josé vielma y este es tu informe cnbc para telemundo.d en la agenda del presidente biden y según la nueva ley que firmó, los fabricantes de medicamentos deben pagar reembolsos a medicare si aumentan el precio de los fármacos más rápido que la tasa de inflación. youtube representó casi el 10% de toda la audiencia televisiva en los estados unidos en mayo. según nielsen, un porcentaje récord para un servicio de streaming. netflix ocupó el segundo lugar, ganando 7,6% de los televidentes entre los servicios de streaming. la audiencia televisiva total de youtube alcanzó casi el 25% de la participación en el mercado. openai dice que pospondrá el lanzamiento de su asistente de voz chatgpt, ya que necesitan más tiempo para ejecutar las pruebas de seguridad. la compañía que promueve la inteligencia artificial esperaba lanzar sus nuevas herramientas para chatgpt este mes, pero aplazaron el asistente de voz para el otoño. hace un mes, openai presentó una versión actualizada de su asistente y sonaba tan humano que fue comparado con la voz de scarlett
yo soy antonio josé vielma y este es tu informe cnbc para telemundo.d en la agenda del presidente biden y según la nueva ley que firmó, los fabricantes de medicamentos deben pagar reembolsos a medicare si aumentan el precio de los fármacos más rápido que la tasa de inflación. youtube representó casi el 10% de toda la audiencia televisiva en los estados unidos en mayo. según nielsen, un porcentaje récord para un servicio de streaming. netflix ocupó el segundo lugar, ganando 7,6% de...
Jun 7, 2024
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ben mccall en un 110 para hoy 102 en san antonio, 100 en dallas.uerte pudiera decir como los pasados dÍas. pero si aÚn sigue siendo peligroso, si usted se expone a estas condiciones, inclusive en la florida. si usted tiene interÉs en visitar la penÍnsula de la florida para darse ese primer chapuzÓn del verano, vean cÓmo se va a estar sintiendo entre 102 a 105 grados en el sur y centro de la penÍnsula. asÍ que situaciÓn peligrosa en tÉrminos aÚn de temperaturas extremas. >> y quÉ estÁ pasando en los trÓpicos? >> bueno, hay que estar atentos al mismo, porque a partir de la prÓxima semana el escenario meteorolÓgico va a comenzar a cambiar. y vean, quiero iniciar mostrÁndoles cuÁn cÁlido se encuentra en las aguas del golfo de mÉxico. y para que usted tenga una idea para que se pueda desarrollar un ciclÓn, necesitamos de temperatura en el mar. tan solo 80 grados. ya estamos corriendo 85 a 86 grados. son seis grados de temperatura mÁs para que se pueda desarrollar un ciclÓn. ahora bien, en junio se desarrollan en esta localidad y luego se mueven hacia te
ben mccall en un 110 para hoy 102 en san antonio, 100 en dallas.uerte pudiera decir como los pasados dÍas. pero si aÚn sigue siendo peligroso, si usted se expone a estas condiciones, inclusive en la florida. si usted tiene interÉs en visitar la penÍnsula de la florida para darse ese primer chapuzÓn del verano, vean cÓmo se va a estar sintiendo entre 102 a 105 grados en el sur y centro de la penÍnsula. asÍ que situaciÓn peligrosa en tÉrminos aÚn de temperaturas extremas. >> y...
Jun 7, 2024
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aumentÓ a 12 migrantes atendidos en los hospitales de san antonio.> una de las mujeres es de guatemala. a ella le costÓ $16,000 americanos para llegar a este punto. los otros no sabemos los paÍses de dÓnde vienen. esta es una operaciÓn grande. es una organizaciÓn que nosotros pensamos que los carteles estÁn involucrados. reportero: en este momento, que haya entrado esta ley que prohÍbe el paso de los migrantes, estos migrantes podrÍan echar mano de los coyotes y terminen en estas situaciones. jorge: la orden ejecutiva del presidente biden para frenar la entrada de migrantes en la frontera, permite rechazar a los migrantes cuando lleguen a un nÚmero por dÍa. >> gracias a dios pasamos. reportera: este es uno de los grandes en pasar la frontera orante de ——horas antes de que entrara en vigor esta orden ejecutiva. en esta parada de autobÚs en san diego, son puesto en libertad estas personas. >> me dieron los papeles para la corte para febrero. reportera: la patrulla fronteriza ha traÍdo tres grupos de migrantes a este punto. hemos podido observar seis au
aumentÓ a 12 migrantes atendidos en los hospitales de san antonio.> una de las mujeres es de guatemala. a ella le costÓ $16,000 americanos para llegar a este punto. los otros no sabemos los paÍses de dÓnde vienen. esta es una operaciÓn grande. es una organizaciÓn que nosotros pensamos que los carteles estÁn involucrados. reportero: en este momento, que haya entrado esta ley que prohÍbe el paso de los migrantes, estos migrantes podrÍan echar mano de los coyotes y terminen en estas...
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n. chief slams the giants of the fossil fuel industry . antonio terrace calls coal, oil and gas companies. the godfathers of climate payoff then suggests a new tax on the profits as new data highlights a year of record breaking temperatures. also coming out, it was the beginning of the end of the nazi occupation of western europe. the 6th of june mocks the ac is none of the 3 of the day historic military victory that came as a heavy cost for the allies. and usually unknown the i is present that the d w. freedom of speech awards and the that the window of the light rushing up position need to elect setting up only says it's impossible for her not to continue her husband's work. the i'm alongside, welcome to the program. we start with some breaking news have most run the media say at least 27 people will have been killed and dozens injured. and then it's rarely strike in the central gospel strip. the attack hit a united nations school in the city of north or rocks is really, i mean, it says it conducted a strike on her mazda compound, inside the school, as it expands the operations in the c
n. chief slams the giants of the fossil fuel industry . antonio terrace calls coal, oil and gas companies. the godfathers of climate payoff then suggests a new tax on the profits as new data highlights a year of record breaking temperatures. also coming out, it was the beginning of the end of the nazi occupation of western europe. the 6th of june mocks the ac is none of the 3 of the day historic military victory that came as a heavy cost for the allies. and usually unknown the i is present that...
Jun 23, 2024
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there is no aoc, there is no ividuals that we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci.re in america, saul alinsky. you can talk to us about saul you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes modern marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this this. somebody wrote and i agree with it entirely thatp to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going rofrom is it still 1970 from 207 to 24 is the any stage after that is it still in the stage stalin ds #v maoist. mao dies in 76. that is the gramscian age of communism. and i truly in the gramscian age and in all the all the architects of critical race, not all of them, but the key ones cite antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci is influential in the of judith butler, who was does this sex part of this the gender part of this antonio gramsci is the one is the the the the the man whoounds italy's communist party in 1921. and and he had one of the first one that that the only one but one of the keytern marxists who asks himself the question why did the italian revoluti
there is no aoc, there is no ividuals that we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci.re in america, saul alinsky. you can talk to us about saul you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes modern marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this this. somebody wrote and i agree with it entirely thatp to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going rofrom is it still 1970 from 207 to 24 is the any stage after that is it...
Jun 26, 2024
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lÓpez de santa ana y en la capital mexicana hay 27 mÁs que se llaman gustavo dÍaz ordaz, antonio lÓpeze nombres a las calles de mujeres nuevos nombres de las calles serÁn. rita guerrero, vocalista de la banda santa sabina, adela salazar, abogada de presos polÍticos y benita galeana. la historia recuerda mÁs los errores, los momentos de oscuridad que todos los aciertos que cometieron estos personajes. asÍ, los nombres de las mujeres que construirÁn la ciudad de las heroÍnas en mÉxico, isa osorio noticias, telemundo. >> ysÍ (musica) (musica) muy muy sorpresa de que t tenemos toda la cocina tem tematizada
lÓpez de santa ana y en la capital mexicana hay 27 mÁs que se llaman gustavo dÍaz ordaz, antonio lÓpeze nombres a las calles de mujeres nuevos nombres de las calles serÁn. rita guerrero, vocalista de la banda santa sabina, adela salazar, abogada de presos polÍticos y benita galeana. la historia recuerda mÁs los errores, los momentos de oscuridad que todos los aciertos que cometieron estos personajes. asÍ, los nombres de las mujeres que construirÁn la ciudad de las heroÍnas en mÉxico,...
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powers prime of the quote target of $1.00 these degrees celsius within the next 5 months, you and chief, antonio guitar is called for when full tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to go towards fighting climate change. climate change is the mazda of all. still specs is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies and communities. meanwhile, the golf fathers of climate scales, the fossil fuel industry, the ranking records, profits and c stuff citizens in taxpayer funded substance abuse. we cannot accept the future where the read shop with a text to the net condition bubbles, while the rest of humanity is lash by lisa, whether in livable lens, we must say for god's people, and they come to me. i'm telling you ever, terry, speaking then, a quick look. now. some of the news from the middle east conflict. indigenous and environmental groups have gathered in ecuador capital key tool to protest against the so called gas flaring in the amazon rain forest. they accuse state run all company. petra equals a failing to comply with a court order to shut down its gas flat. if last bone of natura
powers prime of the quote target of $1.00 these degrees celsius within the next 5 months, you and chief, antonio guitar is called for when full tax on the profits of fossil fuel companies to go towards fighting climate change. climate change is the mazda of all. still specs is paid by every they people and vulnerable companies and communities. meanwhile, the golf fathers of climate scales, the fossil fuel industry, the ranking records, profits and c stuff citizens in taxpayer funded substance...
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there were also scuffles with the police dw correspond, antonio kramer isn't jerusalem and has been following today's events closely. she told me more about what she saw. i mean, i'm sending him is through some rides here in front of damascus gate. and this is to send to the heart of east jerusalem and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is really coming through here on this annual aflac. march is a lot of young people that these been see here today. and that basically what then they're always the celebrating this. the cap to of is to was a 9 to 67 after the 6 day war. and the reunification as they see it of the city, something the, the capital of israel, of course, but it's not recognized by many countries. now this is also show a force where the palestinian residents in this part of the city because they get to hear all the, you know, all the area. yeah. has been a basically cordoned off says a lot of security here. most of the residents don't even come close here at the moment on that
there were also scuffles with the police dw correspond, antonio kramer isn't jerusalem and has been following today's events closely. she told me more about what she saw. i mean, i'm sending him is through some rides here in front of damascus gate. and this is to send to the heart of east jerusalem and we've been seeing again this happens every year in jerusalem days, tens of thousands of all right. and also a nationalist, a groups of people is really coming through here on this annual aflac....
Jun 13, 2024
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pasamos con antonio valdÉs. antonio: quÉ tal, amigos?s. la invitaciÓn para que se mantengan en los siguientes espacios de contacto deportivo. ♪mÚsica♪ nayari: seguramente muchos entiendan el temblor en san pablo. a pesar de que el servicio meteorolÓgico no reportÓ este ismo, se sintiÓ en Áreas aledaÑas como richmond sobre magnitud 2.4. es importante agacharse bajo una mesa un mueble sÓlido, cubrirse el cuello y la cabeza para evitar que los objetos alrededor le puedan afectar. y por supuesto, alejarse de ventanas y puertas. es importante mantener estas recomendaciones y mantener la calma ante estos sismos o temblores. le echamos un vistazo a lo que estuvo ocurriendo en el Área de la bahÍa. estuvo llegando la nubosidad para sectores de la costa. pero quÉ estaba pasando en sectores del interior? el dÍa de ayer se reportÓ un incendio estuvo consumiendo por lo menos 23 acres y que ya se ha contenido en un 90%. calidad de aire moderada por este particulado del humo que ha deteriorado el aire que respiramos. esto nos afecten problemas respirat
pasamos con antonio valdÉs. antonio: quÉ tal, amigos?s. la invitaciÓn para que se mantengan en los siguientes espacios de contacto deportivo. ♪mÚsica♪ nayari: seguramente muchos entiendan el temblor en san pablo. a pesar de que el servicio meteorolÓgico no reportÓ este ismo, se sintiÓ en Áreas aledaÑas como richmond sobre magnitud 2.4. es importante agacharse bajo una mesa un mueble sÓlido, cubrirse el cuello y la cabeza para evitar que los objetos alrededor le puedan afectar. y...
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it will come in the next couple of months, antonio acosta. the former portuguese prime minister, however, he gets his job as the you kind of so president, he only needs be you leaders to approve that and they did it by a majority. so he, in december, we'll take his position. what's interesting in this, when we look at what the priorities of the you going forward will be with us sort of on the line. that is how we can expect to try to continue this speedy process for ukraine's. but coming to you members state that she has got going, we also know that that will be a defense and security portfolio we expect in the next your p and commission is never be met before. she will try and make that in her image. i shall also press the high green deal to get back on track off to the last year or so. there's been shipping away if the sort of green i'm visions of, of the she had put in place that will be high priority going forward. it wasn't a big surprise that it was large. the expect to that these names would come. i mean, i broadly know what we expect
it will come in the next couple of months, antonio acosta. the former portuguese prime minister, however, he gets his job as the you kind of so president, he only needs be you leaders to approve that and they did it by a majority. so he, in december, we'll take his position. what's interesting in this, when we look at what the priorities of the you going forward will be with us sort of on the line. that is how we can expect to try to continue this speedy process for ukraine's. but coming to you...
Jun 30, 2024
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and those two individuals that we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci. and then here in america, saul alinsky. you can talk to us about saul because you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes modern marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this in 30 seconds if i can. the run up to this. somebody wrote and i agree with it entirely that up to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going through this marxian stage after from is it still 1970 from 2017 to 24 is the any stage after that is it still in the stage stalin dies in 53 the maoist. mao dies in 76. right after that is the gramscian age of communism. and i truly believe that we're in the gramscian age and in all the old, the luminaries, all the architects of critical race, not all of them, but the key ones cite antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci is influential in the of judith butler, who was does this sex part of this the gender part of this antonio gramsci is the one is the the the the the man who founds italy's communist party in
and those two individuals that we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci. and then here in america, saul alinsky. you can talk to us about saul because you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes modern marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this in 30 seconds if i can. the run up to this. somebody wrote and i agree with it entirely that up to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going through this marxian stage...
Jun 7, 2024
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antonio: los migrantes fueron encontrados en esta propiedad al sur del condado de bÉjar.ndo empezamos a entrar, varios sospechosos huyeron rÁpido. los migrantes fueron transportados en esta plataforma, en medio se hizo un espacio para ellos. >> alcanzamos a arrestar siete sospechosos, tenemos 26 vÍctimas de contrabando de seres humanos, 11 de esas personas fueron llevadas a hospitales locales. reportero: las autoridades aquÍ en el sur de texas seÑalan que los migrantes continÚan gastando fuertes cantidades de dinero para terminar de esta manera o en el peor de los casos, encontrando la muerte. >> una de las mujeres es de guatemala. a ella le costÓ 16.000 $ americanos para llegar a este punto. reportero: en la propiedad no sÓlo se encontrÓ a los migrantes, se encontrÓ algo que el sheriff dice da una idea de la peligrosidad de esta organizaciÓn final. >> dentro de la casa de atrÁs, donde alguno de los sospechosos estaban, encontramos armas, rifles, tambiÉn chalecos antibalas. es posible que esta sospechosos vayan a enfrentar cargos por esas armas y esos chalecos antibalas.
antonio: los migrantes fueron encontrados en esta propiedad al sur del condado de bÉjar.ndo empezamos a entrar, varios sospechosos huyeron rÁpido. los migrantes fueron transportados en esta plataforma, en medio se hizo un espacio para ellos. >> alcanzamos a arrestar siete sospechosos, tenemos 26 vÍctimas de contrabando de seres humanos, 11 de esas personas fueron llevadas a hospitales locales. reportero: las autoridades aquÍ en el sur de texas seÑalan que los migrantes continÚan...
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on the line for a 2nd term as president of the european commission. former portuguese prime minister antonio costa will be the future head of the european council. well estonian prime minister kaya call us is likely to become the next use foreign policy chief robots, and much solo. a conservative for malta is meanwhile, expected to be elected for a 2nd term as president of the parliament, where some of the nominations for top posts have yet to be confirmed. in the secret ballot correspond, jack peck, and joins us for the latest from brussels. jack um, is there any surprises these nominations? not really to be honest with you, steven. it has gone off as we have lodge. we expected it to and that's because the sens risk police cool majority that basically won the most of those in the european parliament elections. at the beginning of june, they club together and decided that these nominations would be the one to be put forward. so now we know that sort of underlying that you are paying commission president will be nominated by the leaders here. but she has to go to a vote in new york in parliam
on the line for a 2nd term as president of the european commission. former portuguese prime minister antonio costa will be the future head of the european council. well estonian prime minister kaya call us is likely to become the next use foreign policy chief robots, and much solo. a conservative for malta is meanwhile, expected to be elected for a 2nd term as president of the parliament, where some of the nominations for top posts have yet to be confirmed. in the secret ballot correspond, jack...
Jun 10, 2024
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en texas tambiÉn, san antonio en esos 98. 90 en houston.nas noches. fÉlix: gabriel, gracias. y al menos 10 personas resultaron heridas en un tiroteo durante una fiesta nocturna en la azotea de un edificio de apartamentos en madison, wisconsin. varias vÍctimas tuvieron que ser hospitalizadas. sin embargo, no todos recibieron heridas de bala. no cesa la ola de violencia en mÉxico, mÁs de 4000 indÍgenas de chiapas tuvieron que salir huyendo de su comunidad y refugiarse en albergues improvisados. un grupo criminal ha desatado el terror al incendiar casas, vehÍculos y asesinar a varios pobladores. sandra argüelles nos cuenta cÓmo estÁn viviendo ahora estos desplazados de la violencia. >> tuvimos que salir huyendo porque quisieron y lo que ellos querÍan, degollarnos, matarnos, violarnos. sandra: este es el miedo con el que viven. >> yo no tengo miedo a morir. yo tengo varios nietos que salieron. me dio miedo que los mataran. sandra: son poco mÁs de 4000 desplazados indÍgenas que fueron amenazados luego de que el grupo criminal provocara el terror
en texas tambiÉn, san antonio en esos 98. 90 en houston.nas noches. fÉlix: gabriel, gracias. y al menos 10 personas resultaron heridas en un tiroteo durante una fiesta nocturna en la azotea de un edificio de apartamentos en madison, wisconsin. varias vÍctimas tuvieron que ser hospitalizadas. sin embargo, no todos recibieron heridas de bala. no cesa la ola de violencia en mÉxico, mÁs de 4000 indÍgenas de chiapas tuvieron que salir huyendo de su comunidad y refugiarse en albergues...
Jun 17, 2024
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en este dÍa del padre antonio navarro tiene mucho que celebrar. ha estado esperando ser un residente permanente y hace unas dÍas esa tarjeta de residencia finalmente le llegÓ. lo primero que desea hacer es visitar a sus padres. >> me acaba de llegar para el dÍa del padre. que se refiera su tarjeta de residencia permanente que espero durante mÁs de tres dÉcadas. >> fue algo impresionante. >> obtuvo un permiso de trabajo y su nÚmero de seguro social tras el citalÁ miss tm y nuestros 86. fue a mÉxico pero intenta reingresar un oficial de migraciÓn lo detuvo. >> que mi permiso lo habÍan cancelado. >> la razÓn es que su solicitud habÍa sido negada. luego de una centraciÓn registro de detenciÓn no dejaron salir. dijeron que podÍa apelar su caso pero luego el pino la mala noticia. >> que se habÍa acaba de que no habÍa calificado. pero su seguro social seguÍa vigente por lo que se puso trabajar y trajo a su esposa e hijos nacidos en mÉxico. asÍ pasaron casi 30 aÑos. hasta que llegÓ con el abogado que explica que la residencia de don antonio fueron dividen
en este dÍa del padre antonio navarro tiene mucho que celebrar. ha estado esperando ser un residente permanente y hace unas dÍas esa tarjeta de residencia finalmente le llegÓ. lo primero que desea hacer es visitar a sus padres. >> me acaba de llegar para el dÍa del padre. que se refiera su tarjeta de residencia permanente que espero durante mÁs de tres dÉcadas. >> fue algo impresionante. >> obtuvo un permiso de trabajo y su nÚmero de seguro social tras el citalÁ miss...
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being voted just being appointed the foreign policy chief, she'll have to go through the same thing, antonio. acosta though he doesn't have to do it. he gets his job today. he'll start in december as you are being kinds of presidents. we know the 5 years ago that vote for funded line was actually quite close. it looks to be close again. this time, what is going to be necessary to bring her over the line? what you'll need to basically courier enough to support, make sure she gets those votes from her own political party and keep the socialist on line in line. what's interesting here tonight, what's happened to this summit? the was the voters among the other leaders as well because it's an east, georgia, maloney, the prime minister. we know that she actually abstained the co sources. those told me that she abstained on approving the appointment of us to live on the line going forward. the hard right group that was known as the easy, all group in the european parliament with georgia miller and his policy sits within they are seen in quite upset that they didn't, despite the miss the biggest pol
being voted just being appointed the foreign policy chief, she'll have to go through the same thing, antonio. acosta though he doesn't have to do it. he gets his job today. he'll start in december as you are being kinds of presidents. we know the 5 years ago that vote for funded line was actually quite close. it looks to be close again. this time, what is going to be necessary to bring her over the line? what you'll need to basically courier enough to support, make sure she gets those votes...
Jun 1, 2024
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and edwin, i'd like to get your reaction and in antonio.ntf pare see in modern policing. wow. well you know most of king's careerlaw enforcement. going to jail was part of his strategy. and, of course, now that sounds ke just another sit in. but it was not just another sit in because going to jail had peril. and every black person in america knew that going jai don't come out of. and king went to■; jail 29 times in his career. and he was petrified every time. that's why ralph abernathy went with him. king had a hard time emotionally psycho, logically dealing with being there. and it's part of ki's courage that he made that a part of his strategy. he knew that the world paid more attention when he was in jail. he knew the world paid more protesters.hen bull connor's he knew the world paid more attention. when, you know, small black hurled walls by water cannons and that was the price they wereay to prove that they believed in democracy. and as far as backlash, i'll just say one more thing. august 28th, 1963, king the moss elife, the famouspe
and edwin, i'd like to get your reaction and in antonio.ntf pare see in modern policing. wow. well you know most of king's careerlaw enforcement. going to jail was part of his strategy. and, of course, now that sounds ke just another sit in. but it was not just another sit in because going to jail had peril. and every black person in america knew that going jai don't come out of. and king went to■; jail 29 times in his career. and he was petrified every time. that's why ralph abernathy went...
Jun 6, 2024
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antonio guterres urged word -- world leaders to cooperate to limit the rise in global temperatures. >s we need to fight harder now. the truth is, the battle for 1.5° will be won or lost in the 20 20's under the watch of leaders today. it all depends on the decisions those leaders take or fail to take, especially in the next 18 months. it is climate crunch time. >> our correspondent has more on this message to leaders. reporter: when the terrorist took office he wanted to take his time to focus on climate change -- when antonio guterres took office, he wanted to take his time to focus on climate change. but world attention has shifted away. today he tried to bring the attention back by reminding his audience that the consequence of global warming, drought, extreme heat, flood, rising sea levels, food insecurity, these things are not just uncomfortable for people, it puts their lives at risk. he pointed out that wealthy countries are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gas and was particularly critical of the fossil fuel industry, describing them as the godfathers of climate chaos. he sa
antonio guterres urged word -- world leaders to cooperate to limit the rise in global temperatures. >s we need to fight harder now. the truth is, the battle for 1.5° will be won or lost in the 20 20's under the watch of leaders today. it all depends on the decisions those leaders take or fail to take, especially in the next 18 months. it is climate crunch time. >> our correspondent has more on this message to leaders. reporter: when the terrorist took office he wanted to take his time...
Jun 5, 2024
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antonio neri, great to have you with us today. will talk about the private side of investment right now. partner at sorenson capital next, this is bloomberg technology. ♪ to start a business, you need an idea. it's a pillow with a speaker in it! that's right craig. a team that's highly competent. i'm just here for the internets. at&t it's super-fast. reliable. you locked us out?! arrggghh! ahhhh! solution-oriented. [jenna screams] and most importantly... is the internet out? don't worry, we have at&t internet back-up. the next level network. i sold a pillow! ed: check out our podcast, you can find it on the terminal, apple, spotify and i heart. this is bloomberg. >> the biggest thing we will see in our lifetime from today will be the picks and shovels driving ai and that surround the data center space. we think a hyper scales will be the biggest winner in ain data storage will do for the world. >> iconic founding partner speaking with david rubenstein on the bloomberg wealth episode about ai investing opportunities. let's dig into
antonio neri, great to have you with us today. will talk about the private side of investment right now. partner at sorenson capital next, this is bloomberg technology. ♪ to start a business, you need an idea. it's a pillow with a speaker in it! that's right craig. a team that's highly competent. i'm just here for the internets. at&t it's super-fast. reliable. you locked us out?! arrggghh! ahhhh! solution-oriented. [jenna screams] and most importantly... is the internet out? don't worry,...
Jun 24, 2024
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and those two i■jiv we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci. thul alinsky.o us about saul because you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes de marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this in 30 seconds if i can. it entirely that up to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going through this marxian stage after from is it still 1970 from 2017 to 24 is the any stage after that is it still in the stage stalin dies in 53 the maoist. mao dies in 76. right after that is the gramscian age of communism. and i truly believe that we're in the gramsciangel the old, the luminaries, all the architects of critical race, not all of them, but the key ones cite antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci is influential the of judith butler, who was does this sex partt of this anto grsc the the the the man who founds ity's communist party in 1921. and and he had one of the first one that that the only one but one of the key people or one of the key cultural marxist westeme question why did the italian revolution■x
and those two i■jiv we must discuss for a moment are antonio gramsci. thul alinsky.o us about saul because you've him closely. why is gramsci the person who changes de marxism? we are where we are today. explain his significance mark. so let me do this in 30 seconds if i can. it entirely that up to that you know before the russian revolution marxism was going through this marxian stage after from is it still 1970 from 2017 to 24 is the any stage after that is it still in the stage stalin dies...
Jun 22, 2024
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rajini: that is antonio guterres there.nths i've seen a series of retaliatory attacks between israel and hezbollah. this footage is from today, and you can see smoke rising from theills inae and the golan heights after rockets were fired from southern lebanon. physio says it is fighting -- is iran's mission said that any prudent decision to save itself could plunge the region into a new war. around the world and across the u.k., this is bbc news. rajini: bbc investigation shows north korea's building sections of what appeared to a wall in several places near its border with soko the team at the bbc verify hub have been analyzing satellite images which show unusual recent activity. the images show land inde the demilitarized zone, dmz, between north and south, and they say it has been cleared, that land. experts say that could be a violation of the long-standing truce between the nations. all of this as tensions are rising on the peninsula. >> reunification between north and south koreamed unlikely for years, but it had been
rajini: that is antonio guterres there.nths i've seen a series of retaliatory attacks between israel and hezbollah. this footage is from today, and you can see smoke rising from theills inae and the golan heights after rockets were fired from southern lebanon. physio says it is fighting -- is iran's mission said that any prudent decision to save itself could plunge the region into a new war. around the world and across the u.k., this is bbc news. rajini: bbc investigation shows north korea's...
Jun 5, 2024
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the godfather in the port of naples joined napoli with the approval of napoli club president antonio conde with a 3-year contract worth 6.5 million euros per year. antonio will receive a bonus of 2 million euros every season if he wins the champions league. this the 54-year-old head coach previously worked with yu. and inter had also won the series. english star, the best player of rial. jude billingham was chosen by real madrid fans as the best player of this team last season. the english star won the european champions league, la liga and the spanish super cup with los blancos . before this, bellingan was chosen as the best young player of the european champions league. the reaction of the paris saint-germain club to the talk. he reacted to mbappe's words and expressed regret for mbappe's recent statements we think he has no class at all. nasser al-khalifi has never dictated the smallest decision to the team. even louise endike confirmed this . but despite all this, mbappe utters words and the media publishes them as if they are true. and italiano be on the bench of the serie a phe
the godfather in the port of naples joined napoli with the approval of napoli club president antonio conde with a 3-year contract worth 6.5 million euros per year. antonio will receive a bonus of 2 million euros every season if he wins the champions league. this the 54-year-old head coach previously worked with yu. and inter had also won the series. english star, the best player of rial. jude billingham was chosen by real madrid fans as the best player of this team last season. the english star...
Jun 28, 2024
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the european council is headed by former prime minister of portugal antonio costa.leien remained the head of the european commission for a second term. vladimir putin congratulated school graduates on completing their studies. the president noted that it is important to realize your calling in life and find a job you like. graduation ceremonies will be held today in many russian cities, in st. petersburg, according to tradition, they are preparing a grandiose, already the legendary holiday of allah and sails. this year to see the snow-white brigantine pass.
the european council is headed by former prime minister of portugal antonio costa.leien remained the head of the european commission for a second term. vladimir putin congratulated school graduates on completing their studies. the president noted that it is important to realize your calling in life and find a job you like. graduation ceremonies will be held today in many russian cities, in st. petersburg, according to tradition, they are preparing a grandiose, already the legendary holiday of...
Jun 25, 2024
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given to the second largest faction of the socialists for the three-time prime minister of portugal, antoniooste. the place of the chief diplomat will go to the lost liberals for estrebino, who is opposed to russia, the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas. negotiations stalled due to quarrels within the ruling coalition. viktor orban took advantage of the moment. he withdrew support from fondelaen, with whom budapest did not have the warmest relations. george miloni also rebelled. rome announced its conditions over the weekend: miloni will not stand in the way of the appointment if italy receives a key financial post in the eu, foreign minister antonio taiane said. strength gives us strength in brussels, and we want to have our representative as vice-president of the european commission a strong commissioner to carry out good european policies in the fields of industry and agriculture. the right turn has already taken place, but the earthquake can still be avoided. traditional political forces are in desperate in an attempt to protect their own positions, they are trying to make key appoi
given to the second largest faction of the socialists for the three-time prime minister of portugal, antoniooste. the place of the chief diplomat will go to the lost liberals for estrebino, who is opposed to russia, the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas. negotiations stalled due to quarrels within the ruling coalition. viktor orban took advantage of the moment. he withdrew support from fondelaen, with whom budapest did not have the warmest relations. george miloni also rebelled. rome...
Jun 11, 2024
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en san antonio, texas. francisco cuevas noticias telemundo. >> mÁs informaciÓn.erchant el prÓximo 11 de julio. por otra parte, este domingo trump lanzÓ desde las vegas, nevada su campaÑa latinoamericana por trump y estÁ siendo seÑalado por la campaÑa biden harris, tras polÉmicas declaraciones como la siguiente. >> because i don't want anybody going on me, we need every brother. i don't care about you. i just want you both. i don't care. >> nevada estÁ en disputa entre republicanos y demÓcratas con mÁs de 3 millones de habitantes y cuenta con un 30% de latinos que podrÍan inclinar la balanza en las elecciones del prÓximo mes de noviembre. hoy terminaron los argumentos de cierre en el caso del hijo del presidente en delaware, hunter biden no testificÓ y el jurado dejÓ la corte sin llegar a un veredicto. hunter enfrenta tres cargos federales por mentir en una forma sobre su consumo de drogas para comprar un arma de fuego en 2018 que tuvo en su poder 11 dÍas hasta que su ex esposa la tirÓ en un basurero pÚblico. cuando la encontrÓ en el auto, el presidente biden ha d
en san antonio, texas. francisco cuevas noticias telemundo. >> mÁs informaciÓn.erchant el prÓximo 11 de julio. por otra parte, este domingo trump lanzÓ desde las vegas, nevada su campaÑa latinoamericana por trump y estÁ siendo seÑalado por la campaÑa biden harris, tras polÉmicas declaraciones como la siguiente. >> because i don't want anybody going on me, we need every brother. i don't care about you. i just want you both. i don't care. >> nevada estÁ en disputa...
Jun 24, 2024
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the european council will be given a second one. for three-time prime minister of portugal antonio costego to the lost liberals for estrebino, who is opposed to russia, the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas. negotiations stalled due to quarrels within the ruling coalition. viktor orban took advantage of the moment. he withdrew support from fondelaien, with whom budapest did not have the warmest relations. george melonia also rebelled. its faction in the european parliament became third with 83 deputies. including, by the way, marine lepine's niece, marion marechal. macron's liberals already have nine fewer representatives, so why do they get the post of high representative for foreign diplomacy, while the conservatives and reformists get nothing. rome announced its terms over the weekend. miloni will not stand in the way of the appointment if italy gets a key financial post in the eu, foreign minister antonio taiane said. instability gives us strength in brussels, and we want ours. representative as vice-president of the european commission and a strong commissioner to pursue good e
the european council will be given a second one. for three-time prime minister of portugal antonio costego to the lost liberals for estrebino, who is opposed to russia, the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas. negotiations stalled due to quarrels within the ruling coalition. viktor orban took advantage of the moment. he withdrew support from fondelaien, with whom budapest did not have the warmest relations. george melonia also rebelled. its faction in the european parliament became third...
Jun 21, 2024
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one example is brenda and antonio val been married for almost 12 years. they live in l. a. both were born in mexico. antonio has been a us citizen since 2001 brenda came to the country when she was 3 years old. and is a daca recipient. but she says she worries every 2 years whether her status will get renewed. now she's eligible for legal status under president biden student plan. >>yeah. it's just it is just 1 step closer to filling more. stabilized in in the country. relief like it's like we've been fighting. so much. this year's and it's it's a yeah. a good moment for for us. for us, a family >>alright, well, joining me live now us. f professor of law and migration studies bill on hitting thanks for being with us. let's start with the daca. recipients. the dreamers because we've been going back and forth on policy changes throughout the last couple of administrations there so what do these new protections mean? yeah. new protections for the doctor. recipients has a lot to do with employment. authorization. so under the current daca program, the daca recipients do get emp
one example is brenda and antonio val been married for almost 12 years. they live in l. a. both were born in mexico. antonio has been a us citizen since 2001 brenda came to the country when she was 3 years old. and is a daca recipient. but she says she worries every 2 years whether her status will get renewed. now she's eligible for legal status under president biden student plan. >>yeah. it's just it is just 1 step closer to filling more. stabilized in in the country. relief like it's...
Jun 18, 2024
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para telemundo yo soy antonio josé vielma con cnbc. tu dinero es tu futuro.letimas? yoeí para mudarse de domicilio, pero con eso también aumentan las estafas de mudanza. por eso arlen fernández nos dice cómo evitar ser engañado en su próxima mudanza. mudarse de casa es un proceso bastante complicado y puede ser pesado y se requiere de mucha paciencia, no sólo para empacar, pero también para buscar a una compañía de mudanza. pero mucho cuidado porque hay quienes se hacen pasar como representantes de estas compañías. cómo evitar ser defraudado? las siguientes recomendaciones pueden ayudarte al buscar una compañía en línea. si no ves que tiene una dirección o información sobre el registro o de un seguro, es una señal de que no cuenta con las políticas apropiadas que protegen a los consumidores. y cuidado con las solicitudes inusuales y l costos adicionales. si una empresa de mudanza solicita un pago inicial grande o un pago completo por adelantado, eso puede indicar que es un negocio fraudulento. obtén todo por escrito. asegúrate de leer atentamente los términos
para telemundo yo soy antonio josé vielma con cnbc. tu dinero es tu futuro.letimas? yoeí para mudarse de domicilio, pero con eso también aumentan las estafas de mudanza. por eso arlen fernández nos dice cómo evitar ser engañado en su próxima mudanza. mudarse de casa es un proceso bastante complicado y puede ser pesado y se requiere de mucha paciencia, no sólo para empacar, pero también para buscar a una compañía de mudanza. pero mucho cuidado porque hay quienes se hacen pasar como...
Jun 28, 2024
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estonian prime minister kaja kallas will become head of diplomacy, and former portuguese prime minister antóniocosta will become head of the european council. now the european parliament must be in plenary. vote for candidates in july, after which the decisions will come into force. scholz asks brussels for money for guests from ukraine. germany, poland and the czech republic sent a request to the head of the european commission to provide funds for the integration and accommodation of ukrainian refugees. the german chancellor stated this at the eu summit, noting that there is still no clear distribution on this issue within the european union. the reception time for refugees is distributed unfairly, scholz complained. so now. it's time to make a decision. in which cases there is administrative liability for violation of military duty, in which there is criminal liability, the supreme court explained. not long ago , significant changes were made to the legislation regarding conscription into military service and reserve service. in all-belarusian the people's assembly approved an updated concep
estonian prime minister kaja kallas will become head of diplomacy, and former portuguese prime minister antóniocosta will become head of the european council. now the european parliament must be in plenary. vote for candidates in july, after which the decisions will come into force. scholz asks brussels for money for guests from ukraine. germany, poland and the czech republic sent a request to the head of the european commission to provide funds for the integration and accommodation of...
Jun 5, 2024
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and so what they do is they show up in cities like san antonio and we have no other choice other than to, again, maintain public safety and treat people with compassionate humanity, which we are doing, what we are limited with the resources that we have so what i would do is encourage everyone who has thoughts and concerns about this issue to get in the game the time for talking is over. we had real solutions with a bipartisan border bill that was negotiated by senators on both sides of the aisle. it was a real solution that was left on the floor because of a few phone calls from a former president that's unacceptable. it's not acceptable to our cities and that's not going help us in this situation. >> it's always the former president goes, i don't remember. you i could be wrong, but i don't remember a us supporting a similar executive give action that he took when he was president to limit asylum seekers. >> am i right well, this is far different, john, i would argue with that the biden administration is focusing on keeping families together, making sure that we have a safe and order
and so what they do is they show up in cities like san antonio and we have no other choice other than to, again, maintain public safety and treat people with compassionate humanity, which we are doing, what we are limited with the resources that we have so what i would do is encourage everyone who has thoughts and concerns about this issue to get in the game the time for talking is over. we had real solutions with a bipartisan border bill that was negotiated by senators on both sides of the...
Jun 1, 2024
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josé antonio josé vielma con cnbc tu dinero es tu futuro. que circula. erika gonzález tiene la información de parte de una doctora para ayudar a separar los hechos de la ficción. según los cdc, los bebés nacen con una cantidad pequeña de vitamina k almacenadas en sus cuerpos, lo que puede provocar un problema de sangrado grave debido a la deficiencia de esta vitamina. ese nutriente that prevents bleeding and helps with clots. la doctora chami nos explica que la vitamina ayuda a la forma de coágulos, ya que cuando los bebés nacen no tienen suficiente vitamina k en el cuerpo. a pesar de la importancia de la vitamina, algunos padres están rechazándola debido a los mitos que existen en línea. nowadays there's general this trust and the medical system. según la doctora serra chami, hoy en día existe una desconfianza generalizada en el sistema médico y los padres desean una forma más natural, lo que los lleva a buscar otras alternativas. otra razón por la que los padres optan de esta vacuna es porque no quieren que dañe su bebé. sin embargo, las c
josé antonio josé vielma con cnbc tu dinero es tu futuro. que circula. erika gonzález tiene la información de parte de una doctora para ayudar a separar los hechos de la ficción. según los cdc, los bebés nacen con una cantidad pequeña de vitamina k almacenadas en sus cuerpos, lo que puede provocar un problema de sangrado grave debido a la deficiencia de esta vitamina. ese nutriente that prevents bleeding and helps with clots. la doctora chami nos explica que la vitamina ayuda a la forma...
Jun 28, 2024
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the disgraced ex-prime minister of portugal, antônio costa, who was suspected of taking bribes worth0 thousand euros, will become the head of the european council. did not challenge the appointment decisions taken at the eu summit. that's why giorgia meloni tried so ardently to preemptively oppose fondern's candidacy. the proposal for the appointment of a european leadership formulated by the european people's party, socialists and liberals is erroneous in its method and approach. i decided not to support him because i respect the opinions expressed europeans in the elections. kiev was also discussed at the summit. the european council called for increasing the supply of air defense, ammunition and missiles. but politicians were unable to agree on a new loan of $50 billion for ukraine, while in the states they are increasingly calling for peaceful negotiations. the candidate for the position of american president said: washington’s biggest strategic mistake was putting pressure on kiev in march 202. it's crazy that ukraine could have negotiated a much better peace deal if we had let
the disgraced ex-prime minister of portugal, antônio costa, who was suspected of taking bribes worth0 thousand euros, will become the head of the european council. did not challenge the appointment decisions taken at the eu summit. that's why giorgia meloni tried so ardently to preemptively oppose fondern's candidacy. the proposal for the appointment of a european leadership formulated by the european people's party, socialists and liberals is erroneous in its method and approach. i decided...