albo, here is the gallery of the great chalk of the expansion and the great recovery, the little onerkavitskaya tsarkva, hell is not so far away gomel, distance 30 km, the tsarka of the baroque hour, published in the 17th century, just in may, the looks of that same apasanna, galleries, the right one is known and old, in markavichi, as they remember the tsarka. in the 30s , the geta apsanishcha had a very aposhnyaga time, such chyns geta have such a pronounced accent and architectural, great jumpers, like the plastic aprons of the temple. answer the tricky questions of the younger generation. i love singing very much and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you hold a mini-audition for me now to evaluate my chances? well, let's sing something. there, behind the dawns, behind the fogs, in the silence of the forests and fields. wonderful. oh, it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety? or are there any safety criteria for your airline? of course, of course, there are statistics, and there is such a concept of punctuality, this is again rel