Aug 2, 2024
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after the revolution, ariana went to turkey. he gathered about 300 desert military forces and supporters of the monarchy in a group called ara or iran's liberation army . ara was settled in the city of van, turkey, next to the iranian border. during the time that ariana is responsible for this group was responsible for tens of millions of dollars from the opponents of the islamic republic. it was given to him. this amount was given to him for armed vandalism. ariana was in contact with the zionist regime through saeed rizvani's army. he was tasked with buying weapons and hiring israeli advisers. in the last weeks of the pahlavi regime, one of the top commanders of the north atlantic treaty of nato. he is on a trip to iran and has a mission to come to iran to investigate the possibility of carrying out a coup if there are conditions to restore the pahlavi regime on july 10, 1980. the failed coup attempt in iran was launched by shapur bakhtiar under the guidance of the americans. bakhtiar wanted to overthrow the islamic revolution
after the revolution, ariana went to turkey. he gathered about 300 desert military forces and supporters of the monarchy in a group called ara or iran's liberation army . ara was settled in the city of van, turkey, next to the iranian border. during the time that ariana is responsible for this group was responsible for tens of millions of dollars from the opponents of the islamic republic. it was given to him. this amount was given to him for armed vandalism. ariana was in contact with the...
Aug 1, 2024
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ariana was one of the presenters of the mask project.shaaban jafari, who played a central role in the coup on 28 august 13, in his memoirs about the coup nejeh says: i was in america when ariana, god forgive me, told me to go to turkey. i went to turkey and worked with him for a while. ariana gave me two letters to go to israel and give one to isaac rabin and one to ozzy narges. shaban jafari, known as shaban bemukht, the zionist confidant and ariana for providing. it was financial coup. the veiled coup was nipped in the bud before it began, and the operation was leaked. the zionist regime could not find a way to return to the past and its lost paradise from the path of overthrowing the iranian revolution . iran-iraq border on the 31st of shahrivar 1359 iraq with the air and ground attack on iranian soil marks the longest classic war of the 20th century . he dreams for a week, but this dream does not come true. this war and iranian defense of their land lasts for 8 years. in these 8 years, more than 80 countries have given saddam financi
ariana was one of the presenters of the mask project.shaaban jafari, who played a central role in the coup on 28 august 13, in his memoirs about the coup nejeh says: i was in america when ariana, god forgive me, told me to go to turkey. i went to turkey and worked with him for a while. ariana gave me two letters to go to israel and give one to isaac rabin and one to ozzy narges. shaban jafari, known as shaban bemukht, the zionist confidant and ariana for providing. it was financial coup. the...
Aug 7, 2024
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regreso con ustedes al estudio ariana figueroa, telemundo deportes. >> muchas gracias, ariana.e el tratamiento número uno recetado para el vih, biktarvy. biktarvy es un tratamiento completo de una sola pastilla, una vez al día que se usa para el vih en muchas personas, sin importar si tiene 18 u 80 años. con una sola pastilla pequeña, biktarvy combate el vih para ayudarle a alcanzar niveles indetectables y mantenerlos, ya sea que esté empezando o reemplazando su tratamiento actual. los estudios demuestran que seguir un tratamiento para el vih como se lo recetaron y alcanzar y mantener niveles indetectables evita la transmisión del vih a través del sexo. pueden producirse efectos secundarios graves, incluidos problemas en los riñones e insuficiencia renal. los efectos secundarios poco frecuentes que pueden poner en riesgo la vida incluyen la acumulación de ácido láctico y problemas hepáticos. no use biktarvy si toma dofetilida o rifampicina. infórmele a su proveedor de atención médica sobre todas las medicinas si suplementos que toma, si está embarazada o amamantando, o si tiene
regreso con ustedes al estudio ariana figueroa, telemundo deportes. >> muchas gracias, ariana.e el tratamiento número uno recetado para el vih, biktarvy. biktarvy es un tratamiento completo de una sola pastilla, una vez al día que se usa para el vih en muchas personas, sin importar si tiene 18 u 80 años. con una sola pastilla pequeña, biktarvy combate el vih para ayudarle a alcanzar niveles indetectables y mantenerlos, ya sea que esté empezando o reemplazando su tratamiento actual....
Aug 11, 2024
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ariana figuera, telemundo deportes. >> gracias ariana.taÑa y francia. maÑana terminan los juegos olÍmpicos y con ellos se podrÍa apagar el pebetero que iluminÓ los sueÑos de los atletas. por primera vez la llama estuvo fuera de un estadio utilizando un innovador mÉtodo sobre el cielo parisino, laura arbelÁez nos explica cÓmo funciona, quÉ tal y yo los saludo desde parÍs, donde en estos momentos miles de personas se aglomeran para ver la antorcha olÍmpica que se eleva por los cielos en el pebetero. >> es la imagen que ha capturado la imaginaciÓn de miles de personas durante los juegos olÍmpicos. y es que el pebetero de parÍs 2024 se ha convertido en uno de los sÍmbolos mÁs emblemÁticos de la fiesta deportiva, ubicado en los histÓricos jardines de las tullerÍas, a escasos pasos del majestuoso museo de louvre, en el centro de la capital francesa. este pebetero no es como lo hemos visto en anteriores ediciones olÍmpicas. >> superlindo es una experiencia que no se va a volver a repetir. >> es una creaciÓn moderna que desafÍa la tradiciÓn y red
ariana figuera, telemundo deportes. >> gracias ariana.taÑa y francia. maÑana terminan los juegos olÍmpicos y con ellos se podrÍa apagar el pebetero que iluminÓ los sueÑos de los atletas. por primera vez la llama estuvo fuera de un estadio utilizando un innovador mÉtodo sobre el cielo parisino, laura arbelÁez nos explica cÓmo funciona, quÉ tal y yo los saludo desde parÍs, donde en estos momentos miles de personas se aglomeran para ver la antorcha olÍmpica que se eleva por los...
Aug 3, 2024
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pero maÑana regresamos con mÁs ariana figuera, telemundo deportes. >> muchas gracias ariana y tras la sacrificarse. - sacrificarse. - yo encantado iré a representar a los tiburones. - desmantelando un grupo, más fácil nos queda la cosa.
pero maÑana regresamos con mÁs ariana figuera, telemundo deportes. >> muchas gracias ariana y tras la sacrificarse. - sacrificarse. - yo encantado iré a representar a los tiburones. - desmantelando un grupo, más fácil nos queda la cosa.
Aug 3, 2024
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pero maÑana regresamos con mÁs ariana figuera, telemundo deportes y tras la jornada de hoy, asÍ quedÓÓricos, los juegos olÍmpicos tambiÉn dejan imÁgenes espontÁneas y divertidas, como este baile de lebron james. cuando se encontraba con su familia apoyando a estados unidos en un partido de voleibol de playa. su algarabÍa hizo sonrojar a su hija suri, quien hasta se tapÓ la cara sorprendida mientras lebron seguÍa celebrando con las manos en alto. y bien? gracias por acompaÑarnos con mÁs de los noches olÍmpicos. muy buenas
pero maÑana regresamos con mÁs ariana figuera, telemundo deportes y tras la jornada de hoy, asÍ quedÓÓricos, los juegos olÍmpicos tambiÉn dejan imÁgenes espontÁneas y divertidas, como este baile de lebron james. cuando se encontraba con su familia apoyando a estados unidos en un partido de voleibol de playa. su algarabÍa hizo sonrojar a su hija suri, quien hasta se tapÓ la cara sorprendida mientras lebron seguÍa celebrando con las manos en alto. y bien? gracias por acompaÑarnos con...
Aug 7, 2024
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verde y el luchador cubano mijail lÓpez encontrÓ la historia de los grandes de los juegos olÍmpicos arianaÍmbolo de retiro y se consagra como una leyenda del deporte acosta por su parte se llevÓ la plata para chile, estos lo que dijo l luchador para la pelea >> yo creo que es una proeza para cualquier atleta poder lograr cinco medallas de oro es un sueÑo un sueÑo inalcanzable >> y ahora pasamos al cu cuadrilÁtero el mexicano marcos verdes avanzÓ la final de boxeo en la categorÍa 71 kilos tal vencerÁ (nombre( en gran bretaÑa lucharÁ por la medalla de oro este viernes tras una apelaciÓn en la rutina artÍstica estados unidos y japÓn recibieron nuevas fundaciones colocando japÓn en el tercer lugar en la rutina libre de hoy el equipo de las barras y las estrellas ascendiÓ al segundo lugar en la clasificaciÓn general mientras que mÉxico con la rutina el elegante ocupa el octavo puesto, el sol nos dejÓ otra linda imagen durante las semifinales una ballena sorprendiÓ a los nadadores mientras el brasileÑo gabriel medina se llevÓ el bronce la competencia masculina, desde la ciudad de las luces regre
verde y el luchador cubano mijail lÓpez encontrÓ la historia de los grandes de los juegos olÍmpicos arianaÍmbolo de retiro y se consagra como una leyenda del deporte acosta por su parte se llevÓ la plata para chile, estos lo que dijo l luchador para la pelea >> yo creo que es una proeza para cualquier atleta poder lograr cinco medallas de oro es un sueÑo un sueÑo inalcanzable >> y ahora pasamos al cu cuadrilÁtero el mexicano marcos verdes avanzÓ la final de boxeo en la...
Aug 8, 2024
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terrorista en un concierto de una cantante estadounidense en europa en 2017 durante un concierto de arianaba dejÓ al menos 22 muertos. precisamente en una entrevista que swift dio en 2019 a la revista l magazine, la cantante revelÓ que tras el ataque en el concierto de ariana grande y la masacre de las vegas, le daba terror ir en tour y tenÍa miedo de no poder proteger a sus fans. funcionarios en europa y estados unidos le dijeron a nuestra cadena hermana nbc news que el complot no era para herir directamente a swift, pero sÍ a la multitud que asistirÍa al concierto. ahora las autoridades estÁn buscando algunas personas de interÉs que pudieran ofrecer mÁs detalles sobre este plan de ataque. vanessa muchÍsimas gracias por tu informe. >> vamos con otras noticias. la tormenta tropical debby cobra fuerza en el ocÉano atlÁntico y amenaza con severas inundaciones en carolina del sur. esta noche toca tierra de nuevo en las carolinas, a escasas millas de charleston. el sistema se mueve lentamente con vientos mÁximos sostenidos de 60 millas por hora. despuÉs de causar estragos y al menos seis muert
terrorista en un concierto de una cantante estadounidense en europa en 2017 durante un concierto de arianaba dejÓ al menos 22 muertos. precisamente en una entrevista que swift dio en 2019 a la revista l magazine, la cantante revelÓ que tras el ataque en el concierto de ariana grande y la masacre de las vegas, le daba terror ir en tour y tenÍa miedo de no poder proteger a sus fans. funcionarios en europa y estados unidos le dijeron a nuestra cadena hermana nbc news que el complot no era para...
Aug 11, 2024
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. >> para saber mas de lo ocurrido hoy en paris pasamos con ariana figuera. >> figuera, cerro el telonla cancha. >> destacado de este penultimo dia de competencia en boxeo, panama hace historia ateina bailon gano la medalla de plata en los 75 kilogramos de paris 2024, perdiendo en la final c contra la china li chang este es el primer podio olimpico en boxeo para panama y bailon se convierte en la primera mujer en ganar medalla para su pais. >> en los 100 metros vallas, la puertorriquena yasmin camacho quinn gano gano el bronce con 12.36 segundos, convirtiendose en el primera deportista de puerto rico en obtener dos medallas olimpicas tras su oro en tokio 2020. >> cuba obtuvo su septima medalla en los juegos con el bronce de yaris lady cirilo en la prueba de canoa individual de 200 metros, con un tiempo de 44 segundos la primera pirag"uiza cubana en ganar en esta di disciplina. >> estados unidos gano el oro en futbol su quinto en la historia y primero desde londres 2012 gracias al gol de mara alfonso al minuto 57. >> brasil con su tercera medalla en la disciplina, sigue sin conocer lo m
. >> para saber mas de lo ocurrido hoy en paris pasamos con ariana figuera. >> figuera, cerro el telonla cancha. >> destacado de este penultimo dia de competencia en boxeo, panama hace historia ateina bailon gano la medalla de plata en los 75 kilogramos de paris 2024, perdiendo en la final c contra la china li chang este es el primer podio olimpico en boxeo para panama y bailon se convierte en la primera mujer en ganar medalla para su pais. >> en los 100 metros vallas,...
Aug 19, 2024
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how ariana grande is helping get out the vote with an added bonus for "wicked" fans. breath germs fore times more cleaning power than brushing and flossing alone. get a next level clean... ahhhhh with listerine. feel the whoa! why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists. who take quality very seriously. and go to the ends of the earth to hustle the best of the best for you. yes! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it'
how ariana grande is helping get out the vote with an added bonus for "wicked" fans. breath germs fore times more cleaning power than brushing and flossing alone. get a next level clean... ahhhhh with listerine. feel the whoa! why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. hi. i...
Aug 8, 2024
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yo recuerdo los atentados en los conciertos de ariana grande. te da miedo.a. esa cara de “voy a llenar de pelo tu pantalón”. no quieres irte sin abrazarlo. pero, quieres irte sin pelo en tu ropa. con bounce pet, puedes abrazarlo y quitar todo ese pelo. bounce, it's the sheet. elÁre maite: un rapero fue detenido por presunta posesiÓn de drogas. tenÍa consigo varias pastillas de Éxtasis. elian: cientos de clientes de la compaÑÍa delta estÁn planeando entablar una demanda por los fallos cibernÉticos del mes pasado. la demanda dice que la lenta respuesta de delta provocÓ respuesta de delta provocÓ cientos de cancelaciones. les seré honesto. al final del día, mis pisos... ¡aj! ¿pero quién tiene tiempo de limpiar? por eso me encanta mi swiffer wetjet. es una manera rápida y fácil de limpiar mis pisos. wetjet absorbe y retiene la mugre en su interior. ¡mira esto! swiffer wetjet. popeye's big box ha vuelto a sólo $6.99. cuando tienes hambre necesitas una big box pero cuanto todos tienen hambre necesitas una bigger box, ahora a sólo $20 dólares. love that chicken fro
yo recuerdo los atentados en los conciertos de ariana grande. te da miedo.a. esa cara de “voy a llenar de pelo tu pantalón”. no quieres irte sin abrazarlo. pero, quieres irte sin pelo en tu ropa. con bounce pet, puedes abrazarlo y quitar todo ese pelo. bounce, it's the sheet. elÁre maite: un rapero fue detenido por presunta posesiÓn de drogas. tenÍa consigo varias pastillas de Éxtasis. elian: cientos de clientes de la compaÑÍa delta estÁn planeando entablar una demanda por los...
Aug 23, 2024
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. ♪♪ today, actress ariana debose.
. ♪♪ today, actress ariana debose.
Aug 9, 2024
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a friend, also a singer, ariana, she said that i have a friend who dreams of meeting you, he really likes well, okay, well, i'll meet you, then we'll see how it goes, well, jan is very musical, he won me over, firstly, with his knowledge of music, he sat down at the piano, played all my songs, a medley of my songs, of course, well, he was preparing, he probably won my heart, he has a great sense of humor, and he was brought up similarly, well, how can i say, such traditional values, family, very there is a lot in common in our families, well, somehow everything worked out, and how did dad then, dad in general , parents reacted, firstly, to him, and secondly, to this desire of yours, that you will now dive entirely into the family, well, it seems to me, parents were ready for this. they understood perfectly well and well knew me very well that i am in fact an absolutely unambitious person in terms of career, i have never had everything, i will be number one, i will remain number one, and i will do everything possible to be there, no, i never did this, i just dreamed of being singer everyth
a friend, also a singer, ariana, she said that i have a friend who dreams of meeting you, he really likes well, okay, well, i'll meet you, then we'll see how it goes, well, jan is very musical, he won me over, firstly, with his knowledge of music, he sat down at the piano, played all my songs, a medley of my songs, of course, well, he was preparing, he probably won my heart, he has a great sense of humor, and he was brought up similarly, well, how can i say, such traditional values, family,...
Aug 16, 2024
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security expert ben knott tells cbs news new measures have been put in place after the bombing at the arianaer, england, that killed 22 people in 2017. fans we spoke to say they're shaking off any anxiety. >> i'm not nervous at all. >> we're going to be vigilant, but we're going to have a lot of fun, as well. >> reporter: in her 2017 song "london boy," swift sang "home is where the heart is, but god, i love the english." and her english swifties here love her right back. >> she's got this whole community around her. it's amazing. >> reporter: what is it about taylor swift that's so exciting? >> that her songs represent what's happened across her life, and that -- and that they engage people. >> reporter: it's a love story for sure between swift and her fans. tina kraus, cbs news, london. >>> american gymnast jordan chiles is speaking out for the first time since being stripped of her olympic bronze medal. in an instagram post chiles wrote, "i have no words. this decision feels unjust and comes as a significant blow, not just to me but to everyone who has championed my journey." u.s. gymnasti
security expert ben knott tells cbs news new measures have been put in place after the bombing at the arianaer, england, that killed 22 people in 2017. fans we spoke to say they're shaking off any anxiety. >> i'm not nervous at all. >> we're going to be vigilant, but we're going to have a lot of fun, as well. >> reporter: in her 2017 song "london boy," swift sang "home is where the heart is, but god, i love the english." and her english swifties here love...
Aug 8, 2024
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repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an ariana grande concert. in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15 to 20,000 who were expect god -- expected to gather out the stadium forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. cbs news has learned the information about the two suspects in austria originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. chris livesay, cbs news, venice. >>> swift hasn't commented publicly on the terror threat, in a 2019 essay for "elle" magazine she said after the manchester bombing and the las vegas concert shooting she was terrified of going on tour because she didn't know how they were going to keep three million fans safe over seven months. she's scheduled to close out her european tour next week at wembley stadium in england. >>> now to the race for the white house. vice president kamala harris and and her running mate tim walz push ahead with their battleground state blitz. yesterday they spent the day in the upper midwest whe
repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an ariana grande concert. in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15 to 20,000 who were expect god -- expected to gather out the stadium forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. cbs news has learned the information about the two suspects in austria originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. chris livesay,...
Aug 26, 2024
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[chicharra] mariana, ariana grande. ariana chica. ariana mediana. ana torroja.tra vez. [mariana] das miedo, gabi. ¡está pegajoso! ¡está pegajoso! ¡me da miedo! una mujer con cara de princesa de repente... "¿lo puedo saltar otra vez?". ¡vamos a ver la repetición! ¡está pegajoso! [risas] ¡ha llegado el momento de que pase el guana! [vítores] guana, empiezo contigo en dirección a mario bautista. estás tomando lugar de gabi platas, que acaba de perder. me caigo de risa... presenta... nombres de... cosas en un parque. por ejemplo... - ¡Árboles! - [faisy] sí. ¿voy yo? ah, pasto. - sí. - sube y baja. - [faisy] sí. - perrito. - [faisy] sí. - columpio. - [faisy] sí. - resbaladilla. - [faisy] sí. - foros. - [faisy] sí. - tierra. - [faisy] sí. - arenero. - [faisy] sí. - pastito. ya lo dije yo. [chicharra] guana recibe... [todos] ¡toque! pasto, ya se la valieron. se la valieron, lo dejaron pasar. ¿cuándo he dejado que alguien diga "paso", guana? por dios. a esa cámara, por favor. - sí, señor. - [faisy] cara de pasto. [risas] - eres actor, ¿no? - claro. ¿o no puedes? para pa
[chicharra] mariana, ariana grande. ariana chica. ariana mediana. ana torroja.tra vez. [mariana] das miedo, gabi. ¡está pegajoso! ¡está pegajoso! ¡me da miedo! una mujer con cara de princesa de repente... "¿lo puedo saltar otra vez?". ¡vamos a ver la repetición! ¡está pegajoso! [risas] ¡ha llegado el momento de que pase el guana! [vítores] guana, empiezo contigo en dirección a mario bautista. estás tomando lugar de gabi platas, que acaba de perder. me caigo de risa......
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let's not forget, ariana grande, that concert there , grande, that concert there, those children ares is an issue very close to those communities. hearts. one of my viewers have just got in touch and said political correctness is to blame for lots of what's going wrong in society. everyone will remember that at the, inquest, the security guard said he spotted a man that looked out of place. he instinctively knew that something was wrong and he did not. he did not dare radio it through because in his words, the guy had brown skin and he might have been a muslim and the security guard didn't dare be called racist. now, one of the themes that's coming through thick and fast tonight, juditha, is that keir starmer again, is calling people that are concerned about yet again children being murdered far right. >> so again, i do on that point, all the branding of who's what political affiliation, who has. you have no right to say that about anyone until they declare it themselves. what we saw was islamophobia. it was extreme extremism. so as far as whether you're far right, far , far left, yo
let's not forget, ariana grande, that concert there , grande, that concert there, those children ares is an issue very close to those communities. hearts. one of my viewers have just got in touch and said political correctness is to blame for lots of what's going wrong in society. everyone will remember that at the, inquest, the security guard said he spotted a man that looked out of place. he instinctively knew that something was wrong and he did not. he did not dare radio it through because...
Aug 31, 2024
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due to the terror plot, the ariana grande concert bombing in manchester in 2017, which killed 22 peopleer a thousand, shows how devastating such islamist plots can be. the taylor swift plot is a reminder that the threat is still with us, and could be getting worse with the war in gaza and with 40,000 islamists on terror watch lists in the uk, let's hope that our security services are right every single time , because the every single time, because the terrorists only need to be right once. terrorists only need to be right once . i mean, reem, it seems to once. i mean, reem, it seems to be a bit self—defeating to allow an ideology into the country and have 40,000 islamists on terror watch lists and just have to somehow deal with that and juggle somehow deal with that and juggle it instead of, you somehow deal with that and juggle it instead of , you know, juggle it instead of, you know, doing something. >> you're absolutely right. i mean, it's so sad. i think there is a particular culture that is so pervasive and obviously incredibly damaging, and then you end up with these kind of very
due to the terror plot, the ariana grande concert bombing in manchester in 2017, which killed 22 peopleer a thousand, shows how devastating such islamist plots can be. the taylor swift plot is a reminder that the threat is still with us, and could be getting worse with the war in gaza and with 40,000 islamists on terror watch lists in the uk, let's hope that our security services are right every single time , because the every single time, because the terrorists only need to be right once....
Aug 8, 2024
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not commented, but in 2019, she opened up better fears of touring after the 2017 it terror attack and arianas concert in manchester the massacre at the country music festival in las vegas. saying quote, i carry quick clot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds. we have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive. and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears. with us now. and authority on terrorism. colin p. clarke, director of research at the soufan group and author of after the caliphate, the islamic state and the future of the terrorist diaspora. khan. thank you so much for being here. this is so terrifying for so many people to think about this. and the police are saying that the suspects were radicalized online. one, just 19-years-old pledged allegiance to the leader of isis last month. how do authorities track and catch cases like this well, it seems in this case they had help from a foreign intelligence service, likely our own likely united states, providing some kind of signals intelligence to austrian authorities. >> but you're right, really young a
not commented, but in 2019, she opened up better fears of touring after the 2017 it terror attack and arianas concert in manchester the massacre at the country music festival in las vegas. saying quote, i carry quick clot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds. we have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive. and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears. with us now. and authority on terrorism. colin p. clarke, director of research at the soufan group and...
Aug 8, 2024
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repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an ariana grande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15,000 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. >> swift's website was updated late last night promising refunds for fans within ten days. >>> on the fire watch, one of the largest wildfires in state history is exploding again after firefighters made gains boosting containment lines. now, the park fire, which has torched over 420,000 acres, grew by as much as 20 square miles earlier this week. the fire's burning across four counties, mostly butte and tehama, the fourth largest in state history. containment is holding at 34%, but crews warn that hot and dry conditions could actually keep it burning for months. and tonight firefighters are battling a new wildfire in el dorado county that's ballooned to almost 600 acres and sparking this morning outside of placerville. it's only 5% contained at this point. i
repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an ariana grande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15,000 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. >> swift's website was updated late last night promising refunds for fans within ten days. >>> on the fire watch, one of the largest wildfires in...
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and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in the past that if you know these top hits for all the ever did, and the rest of his life, he'd actually be happy with that. so it will be kind of interesting to see you know, whether they can, whether they can drum up the fam through z as you know, if they just to have, you mentioned there, they're notorious fights there earlier, and i do it. yeah. yeah. i mean, you say they, they threatened out of the other place. so how big is the confidence of, of fans that this tour will actually happen at the good times will last until next year? well, a lot of people were, were, were saying they probably expect e
and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in...
Aug 8, 2024
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repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15,000 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. tonight, cbs news has learned the information about those two austrian suspects originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. chris livesay, cbs news, venice. >> major: at the white house today, president biden sat down with cbs's robert costa for his first interview since dropping out of the 2024 race. listen to what the president said could happen five months from now. >> reporter: are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in january 2025? >> if trump wins, no, i'm not confident at all. i mean, if trump loses, i'm not confident at all. he means what he says. we don't take him seriously. he means it. all the stuff about if we lose, it will be a bloodbath. it will have been a stolen election. look what th
repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15,000 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. tonight, cbs news has learned the information about those two austrian suspects originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. chris...
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no, whatever you want, but i have a date, hello, hello, ariana. say goodbye, doggie.hat the hell, yeah, don't even say it, hello, len? can you pick me up with max, we 're left without a car? okay, i'll pick us up, but without maksimov for the electrified dog, you 'll only pick me up, okay, fine, yeah, sorry, thanks, friend, i'll go to the dogs, am i feeding them for nothing or what? marianna, it's me! oh my god, what's wrong with your face? you see, i'm the national champion in pin-ball, yes, everyone plays defense, in a mask, and what defense do i have, i only play offense, i love extreme sports, i love extreme sports too. oh, i 'll show you at home on a pitchfork, my interior is changing there, you know, i woke up this morning and thought, something is missing, something needs to be changed, and i decided to roll everything in marble, in pink marble, i adore marble, it's pale here, of course. well , it's clean, clean, so let's drink to acquaintance, with pleasure, thank you, well then for the beautiful ladies, stand on. on the way we have already passed consider hom
no, whatever you want, but i have a date, hello, hello, ariana. say goodbye, doggie.hat the hell, yeah, don't even say it, hello, len? can you pick me up with max, we 're left without a car? okay, i'll pick us up, but without maksimov for the electrified dog, you 'll only pick me up, okay, fine, yeah, sorry, thanks, friend, i'll go to the dogs, am i feeding them for nothing or what? marianna, it's me! oh my god, what's wrong with your face? you see, i'm the national champion in pin-ball, yes,...
Aug 13, 2024
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sometimes they vacationed together with their families, and i remember our vacation in san-antoria nizhny ariana, in 1958 the korolev, peryugin, and bryemyan families vacationed together there in sanatoriums, and i remember when one evening, we went up to the upper terrace of the building, and sergei pavlovich, looking at the starry sky, told me about the plans that had matured in his head at that time. you once said that he greeted you in an interesting way, well, sergei palovich, yes, he had. a ceremonial entry on tanks into the museum, of course, there was nothing like that, that is, it has already become overgrown, yes, an incident that does not correspond to reality, but the thing was that immediately after the end of the war, various groups of specialists to study german military equipment. my father, led by a very large group of soviet engineers, flew to europe, and at first they were based in czechoslovakia. and it was in prague that the event you are talking about took place. so, the thing is that... information came from the czech communists that some documentation was stored in one of
sometimes they vacationed together with their families, and i remember our vacation in san-antoria nizhny ariana, in 1958 the korolev, peryugin, and bryemyan families vacationed together there in sanatoriums, and i remember when one evening, we went up to the upper terrace of the building, and sergei pavlovich, looking at the starry sky, told me about the plans that had matured in his head at that time. you once said that he greeted you in an interesting way, well, sergei palovich, yes, he had....
Aug 9, 2024
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we saw on the manchester attack in 2017 at the ariana grande concert, that the terrorist waited afterthe concert as people came out and they came onto him, then he detonated his explosive device, killed himself because it was a suicide attack. and then a range of people around him. but he didn't he didn't need the 19-year-old here, did not need to do that in this case, he could easily have done it outside of the concert with a large congregation of people there, so there were multiple targets really for this series of concerts. >> the next five nights at wembley stadium in london to close out this european tour for taylor swift, the mayor of london saying we're going to carry on i mean, what's your assessment? people who have tickets to go to those shows, would it give you pause if you had those tickets? >> look if if people don't want to go to the concert, i'll take the tickets so i'll give them to my daughters. i mean, i feel that comfortable with the british, including british
we saw on the manchester attack in 2017 at the ariana grande concert, that the terrorist waited afterthe concert as people came out and they came onto him, then he detonated his explosive device, killed himself because it was a suicide attack. and then a range of people around him. but he didn't he didn't need the 19-year-old here, did not need to do that in this case, he could easily have done it outside of the concert with a large congregation of people there, so there were multiple targets...
Aug 9, 2024
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después de ese ataque en un show de ariana grande en manchester swift le dijo a la revista l que esee monterey ha relanzado una aplicación que comparte información de inspecciones sanitarias para restaurantes, mercados y camiones de comida. pues con esto lo que hacen es permitir a los usuarios que registren quejas sobre la seguridad alimentaria en los establecimientos de dicho condado por medio del sistema, los usuarios pueden ver si el establecimiento del condado cumple o no con los estándares de salud y el zoológico de san diego abrió por primera vez su nueva exhibición. pero eso es de pandas. sí, presentaron los primeros osos que ingresan al país en 21 años. 1. pues ahí deberían de estar los pandas. así se realizó esta presentación en donde la primera vez que el público tiene la posibilidad de ver a los nuevos pandas enviados como parte de un programa diplomático. 1 se llama yung chuan y el otro se llama simba. llegaron a principios del verano, pero tuvieron que estar en cuarentena por algunas semanas. se espera que al zoológico de san francisco también lleguen por lo menos 2 pand
después de ese ataque en un show de ariana grande en manchester swift le dijo a la revista l que esee monterey ha relanzado una aplicación que comparte información de inspecciones sanitarias para restaurantes, mercados y camiones de comida. pues con esto lo que hacen es permitir a los usuarios que registren quejas sobre la seguridad alimentaria en los establecimientos de dicho condado por medio del sistema, los usuarios pueden ver si el establecimiento del condado cumple o no con los...
Aug 19, 2024
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. >> also looking to use her platform, ariana grande, and maybe give them one kind of experience.tnered with the nonprofit head count to encourage fans of the singer to check if they're registered to vote. the organization's good to vote initiative. once they do that, they'll be entered into a contest to attend the premiere of grande's new film "wicked." can't wait to see that. "wicked" is a release of our sister company universal pictures. grande has previously partnered with head count in 2019, registering more than 30,000 fans to vote. that's amazing. between her and taylor swift getting people out to vote, those numbers are high. >> using their public platform to try to get folks to do something. it's great when you have this so-called for profit -- not for profit together. music too. >>> the new purdue chicken recall over possible metal contamination. >>> and an artifact whips up over half a million dollars at auction. kes, but here it goes. this muffin goes on vacation— what's happening? you said “joking” three times, that's why i'm here. uh, anyway, so this muffin— well i w
. >> also looking to use her platform, ariana grande, and maybe give them one kind of experience.tnered with the nonprofit head count to encourage fans of the singer to check if they're registered to vote. the organization's good to vote initiative. once they do that, they'll be entered into a contest to attend the premiere of grande's new film "wicked." can't wait to see that. "wicked" is a release of our sister company universal pictures. grande has previously...
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and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i'm know, who's the principal songwriter has said in the past that if you know these top hits were all we ever did and the rest of his life and he'd actually be happy with that. so it will be kind of interesting to see you know, whether they can, whether they can drum up the fam through z as you know, if they just have to, you mentioned they're, they're notorious fights there earlier. and i knew it. yeah, yeah. i mean, you say they, they threatened the other place. so how big is the confidence of, of fans that this tour will actually happen at the good times will last until next year? well, a lot of people were, were, were saying they probably expect
and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i'm know, who's the principal songwriter has said...
Aug 19, 2024
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. >> also looking to use her platform, ariana grande, and maybe give them one kind of experience.ed with the nonprofit head count to encourage fans of the singer to check if they're registered to vote. the organization's good to vote initiative. once they do that, they'll be entered into a contest to attend the premiere of grande's new film "wicked." can't wait to see that. "wicked" is a release of our sister company universal pictures. grande has previously partnered with head count in 2019, registering more than 30,000 fans to vote. that's amazing. between her and taylor swift getting people out to vote, those numbers are high. >> using their public platform to try to get folks to do something. it's great when you have this so-called for profit -- not for profit together. music too. >>> the new purdue chicken recall over possible metal contamination. >>> and an artifact whips up over half a million dollars at auction. kes, but here it goes. this muffin goes on vacation— what's happening? you said “joking” three times, that's why i'm here. uh, anyway, so this muffin— well i was j
. >> also looking to use her platform, ariana grande, and maybe give them one kind of experience.ed with the nonprofit head count to encourage fans of the singer to check if they're registered to vote. the organization's good to vote initiative. once they do that, they'll be entered into a contest to attend the premiere of grande's new film "wicked." can't wait to see that. "wicked" is a release of our sister company universal pictures. grande has previously partnered...
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and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i'm know, who's the principal songwriter has said in the past that if you know these top hits for all we ever did and the rest of his life and he'd actually be happy with that. so it will be kind of interesting to see you know, whether they can, whether they can drum up the fam through z as you know, if they just have to, you mentioned there, they're notorious fights there earlier and at, i do it. yeah, yeah. i mean, you say they, they threatened the other place. so how big is the confidence of, of fans that this tour will actually happen at the good times will last until next year? well, a lot of people were, were, were saying they probably expect e
and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i'm know, who's the principal songwriter has said...
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and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in the past that if you know these top hits for all the ever did, and the rest of his life and he'd actually be happy with that. so it will be kind of interesting to see you know, whether they can, whether they can drum up the fam through z as you know, if they just have to, you mentioned their, their notorious fights there earlier. and i do it. yeah, yeah. i mean, you say they, they threatened out of the other place. so how big is the confidence of, of fans that this tour will actually happen at the good times will last until next year? well, a lot of people were, were, were saying they probably expect
and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various, so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in...
Aug 8, 2024
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in 2017, 22 people including children were killed in a suicide attack outside an ariana grande concertn manchester, england, and in 2015, coordinated attacks in paris including the bataclan concert hall killed 130 people. austrian security officials had said the danger had been minimized, but tonight the event organizers saying in an instagram post, we had no choice but to cancel for everyone's safety. >> and keir is joining me now. what else are we learning about this investigation? >> reporter: well, tonight, lester, two u.s. officials tell nbc news that the hunt is under way for an individual or individuals who may have had knowledge of this apparent plot. how dangerous they were, in other words, their capability not yet clear tonight, lester. >> all right. keir simmons, thank you. >>> here in paris, team usa continued its nonstop medal run today from the track to the pool and beyond. tom llamas has been following it and has all the latest action. >> quincy hall is coming back. >> reporter: tonight, quincy hall digging deep and coming from way back to overtake the field in the final
in 2017, 22 people including children were killed in a suicide attack outside an ariana grande concertn manchester, england, and in 2015, coordinated attacks in paris including the bataclan concert hall killed 130 people. austrian security officials had said the danger had been minimized, but tonight the event organizers saying in an instagram post, we had no choice but to cancel for everyone's safety. >> and keir is joining me now. what else are we learning about this investigation?...
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and an isis backed bomber killed 22 fans at an ariana grande concert in 2017.all know now swift was scheduled to take the stage in austria three times this week, just one stage above the sold out. shows were expected to draw 65,000 fans each night inside the ernst happel stadium. another 15,000 outside. the threat comes just a week after three children in the uk were stabbed during a taylor swift themed dance class. a local teenager was arrested. police say that attack was not terror related. >> tropical storm debbie has made a second landfall, this time near bull's bay, south carolina. the storm is set to soak the eastern seaboard ahead of this weekend, with ten more inches of rain possible in some areas. in georgia, another dam breach was reported north of savannah. emergency crews have performed dozens of high water rescues, and six inches of rain in the carolinas prompted rare flash flood warnings all the way to southern virginia. we'll check your forecast in just a few moments. >> now to the race for president and the attacks over vice presidential candida
and an isis backed bomber killed 22 fans at an ariana grande concert in 2017.all know now swift was scheduled to take the stage in austria three times this week, just one stage above the sold out. shows were expected to draw 65,000 fans each night inside the ernst happel stadium. another 15,000 outside. the threat comes just a week after three children in the uk were stabbed during a taylor swift themed dance class. a local teenager was arrested. police say that attack was not terror related....
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a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017. in paris, attacks across the city left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active, they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> reporter: after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift's team not taking any chances. and linsey, taylor has announced that all of those disappointed fans will be getting a full refund. tonight, linsey, we're also learning from sources that it was a u.s. intelligence that found that at least one of those suspects had pledged their allegiance to isis-k, and then passed that information onto the austrians and europol. linsey? >> linsey: maggie, thank you. >>> we move on now to the race for the white house. vice president kamala harris and governor tim walz barnstorming the upper midwest in this their first full day campaigning together, one day after debuting the ticket in p
a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017. in paris, attacks across the city left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active, they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> reporter: after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift's team not taking any chances....
Aug 4, 2024
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ariana garcilazo con más detalles.na táctica común conocida como atrapar al depredador, y esta táctica consiste en hacerse pasar por un niño y engañar a los depredadores para que se reúnan con ellos. they're going to meet a under age juvenil for some kind of sexual encounter. sin embargo, algunas personas, especialmente jóvenes, están tomando las investigaciones en sus propias manos, usando esta misma táctica para reunirse con los presuntos depredadores y grabarlos en video para exponer sus crímenes e identidades. your life you don't know who these people are and if they feel that they've been trapped, they could hurt you catch up o atrapar a un depredador. se ha convertido en una tendencia común en redes sociales. una rápida búsqueda en plataformas como tiktok muestra a miles de personas que publican sus encuentros con estos presuntos depredadores sexuales. if you can't take the law into your own hands, la policía de scottsdale recomienda que no planifique reuniones para confrontar al presunto depredador de menores. n
ariana garcilazo con más detalles.na táctica común conocida como atrapar al depredador, y esta táctica consiste en hacerse pasar por un niño y engañar a los depredadores para que se reúnan con ellos. they're going to meet a under age juvenil for some kind of sexual encounter. sin embargo, algunas personas, especialmente jóvenes, están tomando las investigaciones en sus propias manos, usando esta misma táctica para reunirse con los presuntos depredadores y grabarlos en video para...
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and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in the past that if you know these top hits for all the ever did, and the rest of his life and he'd actually be happy with that. so it will be kind of interesting to see um, you know, whether they can, whether they can drum up the fam through z as you know, just to have, as you mentioned there, there is notorious fights there earlier and i do it. yeah, yeah. i mean, you say they, they threatened out of the other place. so how big is the confidence of, of fans that this tour will actually happen at the good times will last until next year? well, a lot of people were, were, were saying they probably expect
and they did a lot of a lot of charity gigs when, when various so crises happened to the trouble at ariana grande's concert for instance. and they just really well, but they never really were able to repeat the success that they had with oasis. i mean, that's pretty hard to do and you consider that they were, are one of the most successful successful bands ever with, you know, well over, i think by this time as well over 75000000 records sold. i know who's the principal songwriter has said in...
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oh my god, a bomber killed 22 people in an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017 and in paris, attacksoss the city left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active. they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> taylor swift in vienna after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. >> but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift team not taking any chances and taylor has announced that all of those disappointed fans will be getting a full refund. abc news is also learning from sources that it was u.s. intelligence that found that at least one of the suspects had pledged their allegiance to isis. k in early july on the messaging app telegram, and then passed that information onto europol and the austrians. maggie rulli, abc news, london. >> new at 11 heart pounding body camera video has been released by the kern county sheriff's office that we want to share with you. two of their deputies were surrounded by flames while conducting evacuations during
oh my god, a bomber killed 22 people in an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017 and in paris, attacksoss the city left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active. they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> taylor swift in vienna after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. >> but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift team not...
Aug 15, 2024
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british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack and ariana grande performancepeople were killed, including their chi children. something nobody here wants to see happen again. and security advisors are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european arrows tour, with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. major? >> major: imtiaz tyab, thank you. american jig nest joke jordan tiles is opening up about having the bronze medal ripped from her at the lipid spirit and instagram post, chiles said this decision feels unjust. u.s. gymnastics says it is containing the fight to let chiles keep them metal after his it was revealed chiles' coach was seconds late in appealing her score. "eye on america" is next with a look at data centers and the infrastructure that runs the internet and the incredible amount of energy needed to sustain it. mesic my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidr
british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack and ariana grande performancepeople were killed, including their chi children. something nobody here wants to see happen again. and security advisors are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european arrows tour, with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. major? >> major: imtiaz...
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are they from folk ariana? i asked him how that he could learn from the through partnership breaks nations, software division when it comes to this forum. the truth is that we see a form of partnership in the countries. the brakes reminds us of the genesis of the european union back when it was an economic and cultural environment of equal nations. but now it is something more like a european superstate, where some are more equal than others. that is something we cannot agree with because we value the sovereignty of bulgaria. this is one of the most important things for us. now one of the big topic phase waste management and what they've got set to pay is showing how small cities of the future will deal with things like waste and were cycling. now we've been speaking to one company from india that's been bothering up with the companies here in russia to develop ways of making sure that in the future our waste, lately, us to be neutralized. and he said that most go is leading away. so we haven't completely techn
are they from folk ariana? i asked him how that he could learn from the through partnership breaks nations, software division when it comes to this forum. the truth is that we see a form of partnership in the countries. the brakes reminds us of the genesis of the european union back when it was an economic and cultural environment of equal nations. but now it is something more like a european superstate, where some are more equal than others. that is something we cannot agree with because we...
Aug 8, 2024
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in 2017, 22 people, including children, were killed in a suicide attack outside an ariana grande concerter, england, who are intentionally looking for large groups of people to, in fact, really impact maximum pain, grief and death. thankfully, that was not the case in vienna, and lehninger credits this to the work of local law enforcement. and with major concerts taking place around the bay area year round, lehninger feels local police agencies are prepared but still encourages people to be aware of their surroundings. i just take a quick moment to look for the exits, to think about what i would do if something happened and how how i'd react, and then i just go on and i enjoy the moment. i enjoy the event. pete suratos, nbc bay area news a memorial is growing for an 11 year old boy who was hit and killed by a driver in south san jose. they tell us that the boy's name is isaiah amaru ramos burhani. san jose police say he was riding a scooter while crossing the street at lee and camden avenue shortly before 4:30 p.m. yesterday. his family says they are remembering isaiah's for his kindness
in 2017, 22 people, including children, were killed in a suicide attack outside an ariana grande concerter, england, who are intentionally looking for large groups of people to, in fact, really impact maximum pain, grief and death. thankfully, that was not the case in vienna, and lehninger credits this to the work of local law enforcement. and with major concerts taking place around the bay area year round, lehninger feels local police agencies are prepared but still encourages people to be...
Aug 7, 2024
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repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15000-20000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. tonight, cbs news has learned the information about those two austrian suspects originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. major? >> major: chris livesay, thank you. at the white house today, president biden sat down with cbs's robert costa for his first interview since dropping out of the 2024 race. listen to what the president said could happen five months from now. >> reporter: are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power on january 2025? >> if trump wins, no, i'm not confident at all. if trump loses, i'm not confident at all. he means what he says. we don't take him seriously. he means it. all the stuff about if we lose, it will be a bloodbath. stolen election. look what they are trying to do now in the lo
repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianande concert. tonight in austria, that's an estimated 65,000 fans per day and another 15000-20000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. tonight, cbs news has learned the information about those two austrian suspects originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to austrian authorities. major?...
Aug 16, 2024
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british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack and ariana grande performancee killed, including children. something nobody here wants to see happen again. and security advisors are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european eras tour, with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. major? >> major: imtiaz tyab, thank you. american gymnast jordan chiles is opening up about having the bronze medal stripped from her at the paris olympics. in an instagram post, chiles said this decision feels unjust. u.s. gymnastics says it is continuing to fight to let chiles keep them medal after it was revealed chiles' coach was seconds late in appealing her score. "eye on america" is next wth a look at data centers, the infrastructure that runs the internet, and the incredible amount of energy needed to sustain them. ♪ ♪ my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently.
british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack and ariana grande performancee killed, including children. something nobody here wants to see happen again. and security advisors are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european eras tour, with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. major? >> major: imtiaz tyab, thank you. american...
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are they from folk ariana? i asked him how that you could learn from the through holland. the ship brings nations property division when it comes to this forum. the truth is that what we see a form of partnership in the countries of brakes reminds us of the genesis of the european union. back when it was an economic and cultural environment of equal nations. but now it is something more like a european superstate where some are more equal than others. that is something we cannot agree with because we value the sovereignty of bulgaria. this is one of the most important things for us. now, one of the big topic phase waste management and what they've got set to pay is showing how small cities of the future will deal with things like waste and were cycling. now we've been speaking to one company from india that's been going up with the companies here in russia to develop ways of making sure that in the future or waste neutralize. and he said that most go is leading away. so we haven't completely technology developed by the documents that you and can be showed as that's into wh
are they from folk ariana? i asked him how that you could learn from the through holland. the ship brings nations property division when it comes to this forum. the truth is that what we see a form of partnership in the countries of brakes reminds us of the genesis of the european union. back when it was an economic and cultural environment of equal nations. but now it is something more like a european superstate where some are more equal than others. that is something we cannot agree with...
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they from folk ariana. i of him how that you could learn from the true partnership.
they from folk ariana. i of him how that you could learn from the true partnership.
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oh my god, a bomber killed 22 people in an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017 and in paris, attacks left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active. they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> taylor swift in vienna after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. >> but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift team not taking any chances and taylor has announced that all of those disappointed fans will be getting a full refund. abc news is also learning from sources that it was u.s. intelligence that found that at least one of the suspects had pledged their allegiance to isis. k in early july on the messaging app telegram, and then passed that information onto europol and the austrians. maggie rulli, abc news, london. >> new at 11 heart pounding body camera video has been released by the kern county sheriff's office that we want to share with you. two of their deputies were surrounded by flames while conducting evacuations during the first mo
oh my god, a bomber killed 22 people in an ariana grande concert in the uk in 2017 and in paris, attacks left 130 people dead in 2015. >> isis is still out there. they are still active. they are still online. they are still recruiting. >> taylor swift in vienna after the arrests, vienna police were ready to move forward with the show, saying the concrete danger has been minimized. >> but they acknowledged an abstract threat remained. tonight, taylor swift team not taking any...
Aug 16, 2024
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british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack at an ariana grandehester where 22 people were killed, including young children. something no one here wants to see happen again. and security advisers are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european eras tour with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. >> that was imtiaz tyab reporting. and this is "cbs news roundup." dove men gives you healthier smoother-feeling skin... to celebrate life's intense moments. use dove men bodywash with its 24-hour nourishing micromoisture enjoy healthier smoother-feeling skin all day with dove men body wash. can your pad flex with you without shifting? always flexfoam can. it's the only pad made with a flexible foam core with wings that fit securely for up to zero bunching and zero leaks. can your pad do that? see what foam can do for you. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula beg
british concert venues were already on high alert following the 2017 bomb attack at an ariana grandehester where 22 people were killed, including young children. something no one here wants to see happen again. and security advisers are really breathing a sigh of relief tonight after the concert went off without a hitch. now swift has four more shows here in london as part of the final leg of her european eras tour with an estimated 500,000 expected to attend. >> that was imtiaz tyab...
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khadija, thank you so much for joining me this afternoon, ariana grande , taylor swift, ariana grandeor swift, what is it going on here? >> we see a pattern here, >> we see a pattern here, >> as you just said that. who goes to these concerts? these are little girls. these are . are little girls. these are. they are mothers of these little girls. young women . they go to girls. young women. they go to these concerts. so, as far as i see this whole situation , there see this whole situation, there are people who have been radicalised with islamist ideology , and they have pledged ideology, and they have pledged allegiance to the terrorist group isis. and the same thing happenedin group isis. and the same thing happened in ariana grande, the concert when, salman abedi, he, targeted that area, the, manchester arena and, he the isis took the responsibility for that incident. and here we see the person who carried who planned to carry out this attack. he has also pledged , attack. he has also pledged, allegiance to isis. so there is allegiance to isis. so there is a pattern between these tw
khadija, thank you so much for joining me this afternoon, ariana grande , taylor swift, ariana grandeor swift, what is it going on here? >> we see a pattern here, >> we see a pattern here, >> as you just said that. who goes to these concerts? these are little girls. these are . are little girls. these are. they are mothers of these little girls. young women . they go to girls. young women. they go to these concerts. so, as far as i see this whole situation , there see this...
Aug 8, 2024
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a repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianaed 65,000 fans per day and another 15 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. cbs news has learned the information about the two suspects in austria originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to a u.s.ian authorities. chris livesay, cbs news, venice. >>> deadly tropical storm debby is still making its torrential push up the eastern seaboard, gathering strength for a second landfall in south carolina. beaches were closed on wednesday due to high waves and strong swells. the national weather service is expecting heavy rainfall and flash flooding along the south carolina coast thursday with as much as 9 inches of rain possible. >>> vice president kamala harris and her new running mate, minnesota governor tim walz embarked on their first full day of campaigning together on wednesday. they held rallies in two battleground states while former president donald trump's running mate j.d.
a repeat of the 2017 attack in manchester, england when a suicide bomber killed 22 people during an arianaed 65,000 fans per day and another 15 to 20,000 who were expected to gather outside the stadium now forced to stay home from a tour that's been called a cultural phenomenon. cbs news has learned the information about the two suspects in austria originated from u.s. intelligence and was communicated to a u.s.ian authorities. chris livesay, cbs news, venice. >>> deadly tropical storm...
Aug 1, 2024
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vancini, are you familiar with the people i mentioned earlier, ariana duval and ann humphreys? >> yes, sir, i am. >> and would you commit to reimbursing them? >> i'm not sure i can commit to that today, but i can commit to go back and relook at each of their cases individually. >> okay. miss feldsher, are you familiar with the valdez family? >> senator, i am not. >> well, i'm going to give you a copy of a letter that is in our record right now, a statement that they made in connection with our may 21 hearing. they lost $10,000. they've never been reimbursed, never had a satisfactory response from your bank. would you commit to reimbursing them? >> i'm happy to look into the instance and take that back and follow back up. >> you know, whatever the verbiage and the rhetoric in this room, there are people who are losing money out there. and your banks are kind of blowing them off. and that's why you may sense in my voice or in this report a certain passion for trying to treat them more fairly. the ranking member. >> so let me try and clarify by offering a slightly different perspe
vancini, are you familiar with the people i mentioned earlier, ariana duval and ann humphreys? >> yes, sir, i am. >> and would you commit to reimbursing them? >> i'm not sure i can commit to that today, but i can commit to go back and relook at each of their cases individually. >> okay. miss feldsher, are you familiar with the valdez family? >> senator, i am not. >> well, i'm going to give you a copy of a letter that is in our record right now, a statement...