patryatism for me as an asabist is for everyone and your land, and your land, what do you mean by asabistamirana, well, since we have already closed karatkevich and his works, you now have a biblical understanding of how often these books are published, please give karatkevich. well, you know, i’ll tell you. anyway, this is a very special topic , they have read the material in belarus, i am struggling with this and trying to break through, such a nyama, but in the same way , karatkevichs, accomplished works, are at the same time taxa prakhodzyatstsa pa pa program, not i remember, i am happy in this class father, there are dagars in the sky, sky , well, that’s what i’m saying, and as we study, we often visit the library and... books, to be clear, not only in the school curriculum, we have lost books this school, 1200 days, and the library is never empty for us, and we, together with my alena mikhaylaina, try to change not only the literary literature, but for this purpose we take various actions, all the same beech onions. , the same batleyka i work for , the program that we release once ag