oldest deputy, vice-president of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the hero of the socialist race atrakhovich, the writer kandrat krapiva. the eldest of vyarkhonaga saveta. deputy shamyakin, the first viceroy and foreman of the board of the union of writers of the bssr, is elected unanimously. years, a decade pass, and youth remains the mistress of the square. lenin square is the address of medical and pedagogical institutes. belarusian state university. lenin square. the square of democracy, the square of science, the square of youth. hello, belarus one and belarus 24 are on air, the club program. ideology, academy of management under the president of belarus, candidate of historical sciences, and alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, candidate of historical sciences, good evening, let's start, there are enough high-profile topics, there are enough terrible incidents that happened this week, we will talk about them right away. according to the confessions of ukraine, ukrainians, we all know how to read, yeah, but more on that a little later, i would like to start with ano