shabuddinov, who was essentially selling air and not management experience, and never answered whatd what he can teach, if he himself... you wrote an interview where you have chains of stores, chains of restaurants there and so on and so on with large turnovers, no, that wasn’t even close, andrey, well, no, you find it, where is it for and it means you have oo really yours for fuel trade, no, they don’t exist, andrei, i i’m not a fool, i say again, these spoons, if you look carefully even at the base, they are the founders of many other spoons, this is a standard nesting doll, from the assets of a businessman and coach... to create a large number of underhungry lumpin people who would vote for me as a distributive system. when potapinko’s business lectures began to sell less well, he quickly, as they say, caught the wave and became an expert on everything at once. the main thing is that it is shown more often in streams, and no one forgets about it managerial talent. so, the information baron , as he is called in certain circles, reached the status of candidates for state duma deput