the new season of bagh shadoneh every thursday and friday at 15:00 on channel two. shadone garden program is broadcast, this time with new friends like mugen vasta golla. this program , produced in thirty 35-minute episodes , teaches children moral, religious, cultural and social concepts in the form of stories. from soldier to commander, the commander of the field is ready. to the commander this collection was carried out by sanjar khan's historical collection about kurdish heroism, nicknamed sardar akram. he was the same era as mirza kochuk khangaris, and during the first world war, when russia and england rushed towards iran, they cleared the kurdistan region from them. with his people's forces , he was the one who actually intervened in the front of independent kurdistan during the russian and british invasion of different regions of iran and was able to defeat the russians and the british . this historical collection, which took about four years to produce, portrays the struggle sardar akram reached our goal with russian and british colonization in the last yea