murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news: republic of the coast of magadan has turned milky. selts came to nagaev bay to spawn, and fishermen catch them right from the shore, according to old-timers. for several days in a row, residents of magadan have been filming unique footage from the shore of bukhtynagaev, huge schools of herring are clearly visible, the water in the sea is black with fish, people are surprised, not understanding what is happening, this school has come in, stunned, a river of fish in the sea, oh fuck, magadan bay it is no coincidence that nagaev spawning, soon the water in the sea of okhutsk changed, a little later it became clear that the selz had come into color. the water in nagaev’s magadan bay is now of an unusual white color, here the seltse has already spawned, and a little further there is a large school of it. magadan fishermen reacted quickly; they are catching the net. on a fishing rod right from the shore it bites well, people say, i looked out the window, i looked, it was white, white, that means t