later he runs in, well, my doorbell rings, i open it, the police are standing there, asking, where begerini say, on the fourth floor, i say, something happened, he says, yes it happened, i came out of the entrance on the stairs there, and you wanted to remember how i ran, well, i’m taller, no, i don’t know how i ran, i just went out, that’s how it turns out. so you came out then, yes, i came out and he, he was lying here, here on the stairs he was lying, lying, there was a bed of blood and he was lying in it, that ’s it, well, they immediately told me, he fell on his back, yes, you know, he was lying, yes, yes, here i am now, of course, this time has passed a lot, but he was lying somehow like this, well, my head was just lying on the steps at the top. this is archival footage of the ugra tv channel, police officers and forensic experts are working at the crime scene. the investigation is underway, work is underway, an inspection is underway, there are certain guidelines, i think everything will be revealed over time. the nature of the murder? otnistrolny, how much? three field hugs. journ