one of my children is also currently studying at the belarusian national polytechnic university at theheir lives with the minsk automobile plant. passions are high, the participants are already at the start, let's start the first game of the seventh season. before the game started, we asked each of the guys to describe themselves a little. so, welcome. ekaterina sof. secondary school number 2 of the city is round. her motto is that he who does nothing makes no mistakes. and her class teacher, german language teacher oksana vladimirovna. his motto is, every choice has its consequences and his teacher belarusian language and literature elena alekseevna somova. maxim khamtsov, gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk named after alferov, purposeful, resourceful, athletic, cheerful, positive, and his class teacher, mathematics teacher, irina petrovna radezh. timofey voitov, secondary school number 2 of the city of dubrovna, named after smirny, brave, active, positive, and his class teacher, teacher of the belarusian language and literature tatyana vladimirovna veremyova. david gorf, sec