i think ben emons had a good note on that. i think one of the key things is their reserves.iously, they had sky rocketing reserves in the fourth quarter earnings. that created a surprise loss and caused them to slash the dividend. i think there are a lot of questions about how much of the reserves do they need to set aside more? are they able to release the reserves? i saw a note that had $350 million and if they were able to release that much, a large amount for them, that puts them back in line with peers. that is the key question. what is the credit quality look like and do they need to continue to set aside more? if you remember, last week, they had the material weakness on internal controls with loan review. that review is still ongoing. have they found more and what does that do for the reserves and provisions that could impact future earnings potential? >> leslie, thank you very much. leslie picker who has been all over this story. see you soon. >>> when we come back, we have trade talk with the chair of the business round table with judy marks. she will join us to ta