billy connolly. oh-h-h-h!ack on the show, you know, many, many times that fixed billy connolly in the hearts and the minds of people everywhere. you see this guy was going out| to meet his friend in the pub... the whole of britain became aware of this extraordinary scots genius. he said, "did you hear about the one... - "a guy done his wife in and that?" and i said, "no." and sure enough, there's a big mound of earth. - there was a bum sticking out of it. he says, "is that her?" he says, "aye." he says, "why'd you leave her bum sticking out for?" - he says, "i need somewhere to park my bike." _ you develop a kind of connection with michael parkinson. when he's killing himself with laughter, you are thrilled for him. i loved his show and i actually appeared on it a couple - of occasions, as well. it's quite the experience. i mean, you made this, in a sense, this kind of seamless transition, it seems, from being a footballer into the media. hmm. well, it seems to be that way. were there problems i mean...? i thi