salah al-din babaei , talib international radio and television news agency, kani brazan, mahaban. thank you for your attention. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful , i say good night to you and good night to our dear viewers. mr. dr. seyed mohammad amin aghami, the honorable secretary of the supreme council of cyber space, i would like to say hello , good evening, and you are very welcome. let's explain concretely so that it becomes more clear for our dear people, governance means regulating relations in order to secure the legal rights that people, individuals , and real legal activities have been defined for them in the constitution. our society is actually education. they have schools, we have universities, we have people and jobs , i don't know, we have entertainment spaces , we have different spaces based on the laws and regulations of the country , their relationships are regulated, people's rights, rights in in fact, the government, the rights of companies, the rights of economic activists are all determined within the scope of these laws. well, if