tracy smith has our report on the debilitating effects of postpartum depression, and news of a promisingw treatment. >> this is when we were younger. >> reporter: high school sweethearts, mitchell and brenda encar encarnacion, filled the early years of their marriage with excitement. ireland, italy, you went everywhere. >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: before embarking on another adventure. how was she looking forward to having a baby? >> she was gung-ho. reading these books. there was youtube videos and a powerpoint. >> reporter: she watched the parenting videos and books? >> it was a full-time job for her. >> reporter: in october of 2020, brenda gave birth to their daughter, evelyn. despite all of the preparation, there was one thing they didn't see coming. >> sometimes i would catch her just crying for no reason. and i would ask her. and she would be like, just hormones. she kept calling it mommy brain. >> reporter: as a paramedic, mitchell said he recognized the signs of postpartum depression and begged her to see a therapist. but things didn't improve. was there a point when you knew somethi