senator to tom cotton and brett tolman.ut before we get to them, you can see the war in the middle east is widening. is it is widely not because of israel but because of joe biden and anthony blinken. appeasement, equivocation is a provocation for our enemies, not that they need one but you can see how they conduct themselves very differently under the biden regime then they did when donald trump was president. it has consequences for us, men and women in the theater, are being shot at, they are exposed, this administration has gone week need, they will not attack iran directly but has a voices of isolation and islamism in our own country urging them not to. but that puts our troops at great risk. iran is on the precipice of having nuclear weapons, can you imagine what it will do without. iran has essentially conquered lebanon, yemen, iran is conquering iraq, iran owns hamas, lock stock and barrel, iran has created hezbollah and what is our administration doing, they are funding them all. their funding terrorism and their f