. >>> for what to watch, let's bring in brian stutland. brian, good morning.ot to look forward though in this upcoming report as an investor, what are you looking for? >> there are a couple of things. one, you heard about the activists and investors getting involved with disney basically this was the bottom of the stock in terms of price here once he stepped in i think he's got to bring better content to the table there's activists out there basically calling for disney to split up and break up parts of the company. you know, you saw the news on the sporting area. that could be the start of it. break up the sports, break up the entertainment and the park area of disney and activists breaking up the real estate, which has had a huge run, but isn't the growth generator of the company anymore. so splitting up disney would make a lot of sense, and that's why you're seeing people like peltzing to get on the board and make changes, changing the content of disney+ and what not, and start to generate some value out of this company. >> it sounds like you're in favor of