byaskontsy molasses aўtatsysternaў with malak uyazdzhae ў getyya varoty.l the creative things at the factory. we are now mechanized, the machine is not cleaned, from the pharmacy report , the bottling of gat products, all the latest processes, the bottle is sealed and gat products and the supplies of the most important meat of our country, in the milk bottling line to purify the steam, previously graphite filters were used, they often failed and the line stopped, scientists from the minsk scientific research institute of powder metallurgy... the biggest clump of sennya is the economy of cheese. yashche not so given, malochny adgon, yakі zastaetstsa grazed creativity asnoўnyh small product, i don’t know about vykarstannya here. senny adgon perapracovaetstsa to the stern. for chickens and chicks, then we need to save food, so new reserves of creativity have been created. 60 thousand bottles of maloka, a variety of sour cream, kefir, cream, tvaraga and other dairy products, stocked in minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative proces