let's brinveg in reform, former california chairman and state assembly candidate carl demaio. carl car, it's to have you on h. you look at this case, 388 pages. we're talkinl.g about with cashs but i want to get you on the political aspect of this, because not the legalitiesno. there is a lot of important political news that came out of this today, primarily whene you had the special counsel saying, you know what, the president is getting old, he's losing his memory o, and this is something that is going to be a headline in thiso campaign for the next nine months. >> i think, you know, amongs tht a political observers, they're going to fixate on, you knowoing, what does this men for biden? >> i think people need to question what does it for sig the american people? do you think people sitting back at home are thinking three things? number ee thi, there's a doubles a standard. >> clearly, trump is being treated differentldoubledn joe biden. hillary clinton was treated differently than donald trump. >> so it's hypocrisy. second, you've got a presidentss who's not capable of doin