and vitaly kulyk, political expert, director of the center for researching civil society problems. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. well, since, gentlemen, we are asking our viewers and tv viewers about the telegram platform. this , of course, is connected with the events surrounding the founder. and the owner of the telegram platform and questions about this platform from the french side and the protection of the regimental defense by the russians, i will ask i and you, are you ready to give up telegram, or maybe you have given up, let’s start with mr. vitaly, please, no, i have not given up and i am unlikely to give up, since this is a source of information, in fact, in which the majority of the deep people of ukraine live, which by logical research ahead of television. for the majority of ukrainians, but in spite of that, this is a professional field that should be followed, because the rejection of what is a source of information, which, in turn, manipulates public consciousness, to me, as an expert, a researcher, well, it i