then the carriage was made into a crew, we rode in minsk near the pushkin monument to a wedding on cerberuso make a choice what to do, or continue there, that is, until seven everything was fine, it was still possible, it turned out to do everything in parallel, that is we rented a shed there, now he won’t tell him that we’re reading the newspaper in the evening, there won’t be dinner, i have a headache or i want to go somewhere, whether you want it or not, you need to provide it yourself, with someone else’s, well, someone else’s, as practice shows , even more difficult, because you need to find this person, motivate, provide, control how much time you were doing this together with your wife, well, until you got someone from some staff, the first, well, the first staff - these were usually ... well, volunteers, not volunteers, there girls, boys, who are also interested in this, on some mutually beneficial terms we, well, they provided assistance, well , initially we are both residents of minsk, yeah, let's go, but you don't ask, you see, i understand, let's go, silver bush, let's go, let's