at the beginning of the 80s, the charmers celebrated a new song by uladzimir budnik, the chabarovs sangecome more and more famous charmers, and thus the name of the ensemble is written in the history of the belarusian stage by famous writers. i came in the eightieth, it was the heyday of enchantresses, when the smell of chabarov was already heard from of all the windows, when i was waiting for you, i sounded enchanted, they were already in the team , i was so pleased, i went, say, to some university, before this department of records, it was so very visited, they bought it all, so i go to department and there the enchantresses are singing, i’m waiting for you, it’s nice, you’re not here anymore at three. such a busy touring life, we had a concert plan, it was quite large, we did it, 20 per month, 60 per quarter. norms, of course, we could do twice as much, but they didn’t allow it, because there were extra concerts, even if more than twenty concerts were not paid a month, we could go on tour for a month, then we came for 3-4 days, a couple of days of rest, 3-4 days of rehearsal, but we