chandari , let's skip this now, according to what mr. said, about 38 of the wheat farmers' demands have been paid. now tell me exactly when and on which date the wheat farmers' demands will be paid, so that at least our wheat farmers can plan according to the legal permits we have from let's use other capacities , we secured almost 30 credits, we are trying to make it work today or tomorrow, god willing, and grow by almost 50%, that is, we have eaten from 60, 60, and so on. let's reach about 90 and eat the rest , god willing, next week , we will go with the same numbers on a weekly basis, the average of the same numbers, god willing , you know that if i can give you a definitive number, this is almost a certainty, the initial tone is mr. chenanani until the 15th to the middle in our month, all the demands of the wheat farmers should have been paid, according to what he said, it means that it is the middle of the month of august. yes, yes, because of the speed , for example, the daily speed , you said one week, not one week. i offer if we