chiraghi, an expert on western issues asia, mr. chiraghi , hello, good morning . please tell us about the results of this support for the oppressed palestinian people after 136 days since the zionists' crime in gaza . peace be upon you. dear viewers, yes , today is 136 days. the aggression of the zionist regime in the gaza strip and the killing of the oppressed palestinian people is in this narrow range, and it is predicted that these activities will intensify in the coming days, especially with the approach of the holy month of ramadan, which is really a reason, in fact , a nightmare for the regime. zionist inside as well regarding the results of these activisms , these demonstrations at the global level, i have to offer my service. the first result of this activism and demonstrations at the global level is the raising of the palestinian issue in the public mind and global public opinion . the palestinian issue had almost become a forgotten issue, and for this reason the zionist regime was trying to overcome this oblivion. to implement the plan and implement your