praised by jesus chrystus, dear brothers and sisters, at chrysce, beloved tv presenters, today we honor the honor of saint john chrysciel. this magical name yang means pan and affection. jan chrystsitsel. otherwise, he would like to work on this task, so that jesus grows up, and he himself is remembered. it’s not fun to shepherd the death of your old father, ian, who will be a dzitsem, hell of the holy divine servant, which could be shepherded by his old father, and his life in the desert. here on the market for more than 20 years, in tsalkavytay ўbogastі, in the atmosphere of malіtva i... together with the gods, we reveal god’s words. the prophet john chrystsitsel had a mission in 26-27 ad. he not only learns and insists, but also tries to keep up. jan khrystsitsel is not only abvjastsіў abvíastsіў ab khíkіm pryshestі christ, but also the great preacher of the gospel. holy. the first, written story is dedicated to the ascribed birth of jesus himself, and takes place in the first section of the gospel of st. luke. or, on the other hand, yana’s position is taking up extraordinary months