gaidar would have answered this question with his own, his final phrase from chuka and gek, chuka-geky, work hard , love hard and take care of this huge happy land, which is called the soviet country , 1939, by the way, these are the endings in gaidar’s various works, this is who- then he will say straight to the forehead, these are such cadences, yes, you understand, they are beautiful. the wheel turns without any dictate, without violence, everyone is united by one thing, but this web reaches out to someone and we understand that everything works, by the way, many people, when they come to the museum, say, these are your favorites work, i always say conscience, many people say what kind of work it is, why, but in fact the work is very short, literally half a page, but i think that in this story, it’s not even a story, it’s just that, i also wondered what to call it? suddenly i came across a first-grader, she , a fourth-grader, decided to say, why are you playing truant, and he, this cute one, hid his breakfast, went to catch a butterfly , the boy said, no, there’s a dog, i’m afraid,