gather all the guards in one compartment, he said that i..." he planted this bottle in it and put some clapilinld me the place, near the frunt school on vasilevsky in the courtyard, i came. i came and took them, so i took everything, yes, i came and took them from the hiding place, there was no one in the hiding place at all, no one else contacted me, i swear, i don’t know anything else, i swear, nothing else i i don’t know, you know, there’s only one letter missing from your last name, get up, what will happen to me if you don’t tell anyone about this conversation, nothing, you... come on, little one, dig a hole, okay. where are you going, friend, this is for me, i would like to go to st. petersburg, otherwise, well, in general, this, you know. they robbed me of money and documents, in general, you would go to a cafe, ask the guys, they would take you, the body is sealed, okay, sit down, and the shushar will take you, he will arrange it, yes, thank you. taxi is inexpensive, man, we're going to the city, corporate rate, a little more expensive than a minibus, but to the entrance, and for civili