wurst, with horseradish, and with a beard, beard.e a cow, start feeding it corn, feed it, feed it, after 2 hours, the cakes are ready. that's it, waste-free production, chestnut chop, what is this made from, chestnuts, those in the body mumu, and what is this made from, korean beef, and what kind of dish is this, well, to hell with it, the meat is burnt in french. i won’t do that, well, to hell with it, cherry eggs, how’s that? well, quail, oh, by the way, can i have scrambled eggs, you have chicken eggs, coward eggs, snake eggs, ant eggs, uh-huh, chicken eggs, chicken eggs, an excellent choice, you - from the right bank of the moscow river or from the left, and what’s the difference, big difference, on right bank. "the sun shines on the chickens' necks in the morning, you see, they turn their heads towards the sun, their muscles tense, and the eggs don’t come out right away, so the harvest from the right bank is not very good, well then from the left bank, it’s a great choice, do you want younger or older eggs?”? what’s the differen