of jihad using artificial intelligence in the communication research institute and the space researchact, the work is being done. three or four of the products have been completed . in the 13th government , the field of space industry must first be allowed to take shape, and the government itself will have to invest in it for a few years. you can already see that in the countries that are actually leaders in this field, the government spends heavily , but now we what we are doing is slow let's slowly bring in private companies, i said , we signed the biggest contract, even now we have entered this space, that we have a guaranteed purchase of space data from the private sector, to guarantee that, in fact, he himself will go and build the satellites , launch the satellites now. those who are on the launch page after this 13th launch, god willing, are the experts of the private sector that they made themselves. the companies of the scientists launch themselves, we only signed a contract to pre-purchase the images , and actually, the economic wheel of the space industry is slowly moving,