. >> showing me now is michael collins attorney who you just heard him talking about, danya perry.om's not so veiled attacks on michael cohen. he literally said i'm not allowed to use his name because of the gag order. i know you are watching this closely and prepared to take action and responsive he does keep coming after your client? >> we have taken action at every turn. i think a lot of people forget because michael can tend to have a dramatic persona, what he has actually been through, the trauma he has actually been through, so i was there with him when michael was thrown into solitary confinement in violation of his constitutional rights and we got him out of that. i was there with him when trump filed a half a billion dollars lawsuit against michael after he testified to the grand jury in this criminal case, and so you know, i heard your opening segment with andrew and neil. it was chilling because you know, you're talking about, rightly, violations of norms and to the rule of law and dangerous to institutions and process but also to witnesses, so as much as michael is feel