darhi . we have researched two or three cases. this one was in petrochemicals, the other one was related to automobiles. many people go to the stock market when they ask, now or in petrochemicals. workshops or downstream industries have the necessary materials to take them to the stock market, which we gave a solution at that time, which was also successful, but because there was no proper supervision by the government of the previous government, of course , mr. nematzadeh did not believe in this discussion at all , and he brought the supply from petrochemicals. outside , he supported our methods which were mother's interjections he did not expand the lari network. i did this many times in the parliament because it was discussed in many places . they were also debated in the same media . an example is taking them to the stock market. obviously, because we are talking about cars, today we are talking about cars, no , let me say about the car, i will say about tamroshimi, it is not pedroshimi , don't people need materials that have