be aware of me, dariqa, my hope was disappointed, i became brotherless, and my back was bent, mr.last moment, he listened to the command, you and i, today, let's make a covenant with that honorable gentleman, all together oh abulfazl , this noble gentleman is in love with you and me, a noble gentleman who made the whole world crazy. i would like you to take into consideration the needs of the people who are suffering from the disease. there is hope for everyone. inshallah, for the sake of this honorable gentleman, we need to go out and call our master and make a covenant with him. let's close your hands, raise your lips or hossein. labik or hossein labik or hossein, may god bless you , ajtun with seyyed al-shahda, the evening of tasso is almost here, we are getting closer to ashura night tonight. tonight is the last image that hossein alamdari's tents like abbas have , tonight is the last image that ali asghar ali's cradle is inside, tonight is the last image that ruqiya has of his father, the night of ashura. hussain karam, hussain's shrine , my mother taught me to say hussain ev