daroga is far away in 1967.the lively plot and the date are the literary adzinae. with this arturanenni aley, we don’t know where he wrote this, of course, everyone is attracted by such a really bright flavor, color and interesting, so to speak, landscape, you can’t say that this is a certain place, you can’t say that it’s definitely spring, or it’s winter, or it’s autumn, everyone can find it, but if you look at something of your own, the flower’s portfolio has a minimum of miniature landscapes, paintings... native land on pharmaceutical paintings, the region as well as in the pedagogical frames, teaching and issuing of folk shchamyalev and dantsyg. the museum funds have more than 125 creative works, graphic sheets of the tax collection of the national art collection. and plus the weekend, let me hurry up and love life. dolchavita is buried in the temple muses and beauty for the pain of carcinoma, walks with the sick people. in detail we look at the images and designs of the russian princes on the throne of ita