as public works hotspot team leader daryl dilworth was interviewed and demonstrated admirable leadership and common sense management of the challenging situation public works employees navigate every day. the public works commission extends its gratitude to mr. dilworth and his team for their diligence and commitment to working to ensure that a high quality of life can be enjoyed by us all. and just last week, there was a local television story on public works, illegal dumping enforcement team headed by ramses alvarez and featuring team member shannon sweeney. the daily work of this team to point out and enforce illegal dumping laws is critical to maintaining the city's quality of life and the commission thanks mr. alvarez, miss sweeney and their colleagues for the effort they put in each day to remind people to take pride in their community and not be a public nuisance by continuing the garbage theme at this commission's request last month, the sanitation and streets commission had a presentation on the department's trash can program. i think i thank chair hartwig shulman and the commis