i know olya is passionate about dashay. kamenchyk near the breasts.anding, the little girl said everything correctly. georgia and belarus, only. malaychyna's foot, the necessary papers. kali laska, lera and galya, here are the patrabny papers. tsudoўna, tsudoўny adkaz , dzyaўchaty, vydatna, hutka teams coped with the first task and got their first points, on gety moments , lik u gulni 30 to 60. syabrovskaya padrymka pratsue na adleglasci. u in this fun-filled episode, two sappers representing different teams compete. let's get to know the brains behind the competition. saperniki tlumachatsya sense of cunning belarusian layers, choose from four options and the adzin is correct. i admonish you, as the first signal to fall, for correct skin you will receive 10 points. they are tricky, cunning, you will need to spoil the belarusian woman. understand that this sappernik is timid, i want to patsikavitsa with you, so go to the center of the studio and get the name of the hell of your team, freedom and gift, i will go, so sumna said volga, good, galya tsilera