following up on the discussion of their treatment, which was on the national calendar, on the 25th of dhul-hijjah , we have the loan discussion facility. we paid almost 6 stages this year, each stage we pay 32,000 people, this is the year we said to use irangerdi and jan garedi hotels until one year from march 20 1402 to march 20, 1403 dear ones, if you go to irangerdi and jahan hotels all over the country , we will give them a 60% discount on staying there, and there is a 15% discount on hospitality, that is, the use of hotels and restaurants, and the rest you pay 20% in cash. they give and the rest is earned in 6 installments of their salaries. this is also for the year 1403 until 201143. we had a plan, god willing, that it will be followed up now . god, bring it this year. it is considered for retirees who can travel domestically from the island of kish qeshm and from this side of sareen mashhad, they should use this travel fee and travel subsidy with their spouses . we are trying to restore this amount. that it will be revived until then , that is, until 2018, it was 75 thousand tomans as a t