lorren, words by dima lorren, artyom umrikhin, doll on stage, song of the year, artik and asti, i rememberagain on a needle, love does not believe a tear and i knew it, my eyes gave everything away, but i smiled. like a doll, i died every night, as if, but i resurrected with pain in the morning, so that no one would guess how the lips were in my soul, like a doll, i decorated my pain and dissolved in this city of schumann, to forget how crazy i miss . i'm sorry that i lost myself in your strange friendship, it's all so complicated, i can't blame you for needing you so much, but you're under my it’s like you broke my skin, especially hard at night, you’re in my head again, so dear. beautiful love does not believe in tears and i knew it, my eyes gave everything away, but i smiled like a doll, i died every night, as if, but again with pain i rose again until the morning, so that no one would guess so emptyly, my soul is like a doll, i i decorated my pain, anutam and dissolved in this breed of noise in order to forget how much i miss bezuna, va you, sivil, arctic group asti, natural blonde, th