alshikh, his name is also, as the director at the academy of arts said, he has now almost finished hisipt and installation as editing. recently a festival abroad, i was there as a dancer, i also took third place as a dancer and soloist and choreographer, that’s it, that was mine file, which is offline, which is offline, i will always show it later to my children in the future and i will show it to my friends, i will show it to those who are close to me, who know me personally. i was born in syria, my mother is syrian , her name is gilda, my father is british, his name is salem, my brother diya, he is also syrian, he lives in minsk, and my sister is british, her name is suzen, they are like mother and sister in london, father too, dad works in english literature in london, as a driver, mom is an astrologer, she just looks at the stars and tells how their effect on our lives for... all sorts of things, she she studied and studied this for a very long time , she works, so my brother is also a director, he will also graduate with me at the academy of arts, but he is now a graduate student,