since 1995, dmitry bozin, leading actor of the romanov theater. forgot everything that professor pavel chomsky once taught him in gitis. i looked at the butterfly, i saw the maids. i understood that this is a powerful director who thinks in a fantastically interesting way. the magical structure that i saw in the maids in mba batterfly, it was me from the inside. desirable, i was constantly looking for opportunities in gitis to encounter poetic and magical theater, he wanted... the viewer to immediately understand that he is in the theater, he is not in life, but in this theatrical space life seems to become more scrupulous, or something , it is as if she is under a magnifying glass, or vice versa, as if the viewer is given a telescope to see distant, distant worlds. today the corridors, staircases and faye of the theater are decorated, ladies from eighteen over, eating strawberries with sparkling wine under them, at all times tuned in to the powerful energy of the upcoming action, someone gloatingly called it a highly artistic striptease, someone