yes to the passage of the carnival near dobrun 200 chalaveks paspeli ў tsyachy i tamest. the heat of the vesak was constantly grazing the adkrytsya khatyn, they were working on something similar to the khatyn, and we understand that the copies of the master are not such good performers, but i guess that’s because of the given attack of the lord you are a prick, yak zhykhar. however, as people felt that it was necessary to work in memory, and for them the khatyn was the highest memory of the memory, the owners of the planter's poles, and they began to work on their work, their khatyn, their shunika. you are welcome i remember that the first chargu had special old ones. the great war was aggravated by the abaronians, causing goals, the emphasis was on the heroism of the soldiers, partisans, and red army men, and all the mass memories of the tragic old people of history began to suffer. the change of life of the surviving weights has become the lasting memory of those who perished in shuneyutsy. in 1967, during the month of tragedy, abelisk appeared. pasney na initsyatyve. t